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Wednesday, August 06, 2003::

The Astros Game

Well, last night I went with my friend D'Mari up to Houston for a baseball game with her mom and dad and her boyfriend, Hunter. Now, let me point out that I have absolutly no interest whatsoever in baseball, BUT, I don't spend too much time with D'Mari and I thought it'd be cool to go anyway. Well . . . first it was the hour drive up to Houston from our petty little Brazoria County. It was interesting because I never really go that far into Houston. Well . . . we were going to stay at the Galaria for about 30 minutes (just me, DD, and Hunter) I' never been there ebfore. As far as I knew it was just a mall in Houston. We got there and her mom dropped us off by The Cheesecake Factory. Interesting enough . . . of course, I have no money so I'm not interested in buying anything. Let me tell you this mall is HUGE I feel like we went up 5 escalaters. and there were still floors above that. It was very nice. Made me wish I was rich beyond reason.

Anyway, after that we left, picked up D'Mari's dad form his work place and got a bite to eat at McDonalds, then we were off to the ball game. Well, her parents had bought us $1 tickets so, yeah, we had seats WAAAAAAAAY up. Which, was kind of cool, I didn't care about the game anyway. Well, D'Mari's parents said we didn't have to stay there, we could wander around the shopps and get what we wanted since D'Mari had money her Uncle gave her and all we have to do is keep the cellphone. Well we wandered around. It was pretty fun. of course we litterally kept going in circles and my feet were pretty tired, but not as tired as they WOULD be . . . if i didn't jump around all the time in my room. WELL, Hunter went to use the restroom and me and D'Mari were going to the kids play area thing, cause, ya know, we're little kids at heart. Well we walk in and this man stops us and says "You can't come in unless you have a parent with you" Haha...we need a parent with us? US? This guy won't let us in the little kids area unless we have a parent? Geez. and of course the sign said when we got out "ages 6-14" and D'MAri goes "Ha! I can go in but you guys can't!" D'Mari being 14, me being 15 and Hunter being 16.
Then later, DD was drolling over some little child and such and she was all

D'Mari: "I wanna keep him!"

Hunter: "Stop mollesting the children, DD"

DD: "I'm nooooooot"

Hunter: "Sure you are"

D'Mari: *whiiiiine* "I wanna be his mommy"

Me: "DD, you can't have babies 'til you're 13!"

D'Mari: "Hey I'm 14! Lets go!"

Then we cackled a lot.

yeah . . . well then we went and found ourselfs some *better* seats...though sitll at the very top. We ended up sitting right below these two guys that were drinking beer and as they were talking they were spitting beer on us...and i smelt like beer. It was gross. So we moved tot he front of the row. At this point we noted the actual game, it was about the beginning of the 5th inning. It was the HOUSTON ASTROS vs the NEW YORK METS, so of course, Astros were losing horribly with the score of 1/10. Pretty sad. What was sadder was al the men cursing when the other team made a homerun or even made it to base. Well we ended up sitting next to this one guy who was drinking SOME sort of alcoholic beverage. I'm not sure if that's what made him talkative, he sounded pretty sober to me.
I'm not one for talking freely to grown male strangers but hey, he started it. Besides, if something happened, Hunter was 2 times taller than him (Hunter's a big guy). Well, the man started out he said "I bet you wear a size 5" (he was indicating my feet) and, after having him repeat it cause it was loud in there, i said "yeah, they are" . . . then he was comparing my feet to his... he wore a size 16. then he goes "oh, she has little feet too!" (to DD) and he asked Hunter what shoe size he worer, he wore 15s...so we started talking about shoes and feet...then Hunter and him started talking about Football and Track and Wrestling and other sports. It was more interesting than the game anyway. Well after a bit, DD's mom called and we had to meet her down by the play area cause we were leaving. We said goodbye to him and started leaving and he followed us. It was slightly creepy but he seemed friendly enough. He talked to Hunter more as we walked then he walked away...and came back and said "I have a gift for you" of course he was reaching in some folwer and I was a little curious and he handed Hunter 2 free tickets to another baseball game on the 27th and he left. It was pretty cool. 2 tickets just for talking to a guy about feet and sports. Well . . . of course the 27th is on a school night, so Hunter plans on giving them to his parents. Which is nice.

And today, I plan on going to the library to check out a book. The End. XD

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 12:57 PM:-

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