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Weblog Entries:

Saturday, January 31, 2004::

Some quizzes

You are soooo LOVABLE!
Waaah! You're so LOVABLE! Everybody likes you,
because you're a great person to have around
and it's always happy about everything ^^.
congrats! and...can I hug you?? plz! ^///^

Yet another personality test ^-^ (nice anime pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla


Lonliness dominates you. You can hide it well, but
its there, and your friends can see it. You
constantly feel alone, and need to do things to
fill your time. Your afraid to tell people
this, but sooner or later it gets out in a bad
way, and you think you screwed up everything.
And when you are in love is when you are sad
the most. (Please Vote)

What Emotion Dominates you?
brought to you by Quizilla


You dont get angry a lot, but you build it up
inside, you hide your feelings letting people
walk all over you. This is not good, you are
the worst type of anger, because when it comes
out its like a volcano and I promise you will
hurt someone you love, this is what I am.

How Angry Are you? (Worth taking, Five outcomes, pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla


-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 5:51 PM:-

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It Begins

aprox 5pm.... they arrive...

Mark runs around the car...

Nathan aproaches my house...i dart away from my window...

Notice Micheal's sexxy shaven leg. Oh, oh, baby. (it looks like he's not wearing pants but really he IS....and look at that face in the background...doens't that just scream "Man that's a sexxy leg???")

Here's Nathan. wow, this really sin't a good cpiture. it screwed up his eyes beyond fixation and i screwed them up more. Uhhh..Nathan...just chop your hair off...all of it... c(:.....

Yeah, Bowling Alley fun.

Nathan stole my picture after a round of DDR. which I suck at.

Thumbs up guys!

I'm sorry but after this i left the camra at Nathan's house and didn't get any pictures of the rest of the night. I know! Shame on me! But the events included:

~Nathan's house: Bloo Winter-een-mas, and powdered sugar!, some DDR and some..well...i'm not sure...proabbly babymaking. Yes, lots of that.

~we get kicked out of Nathan's house so....(and after a fialed attemp of trying to rid ein the trunk...even though it WAS all roomy in there)

~BEN'S house!: we played around at Ben's hosue and then a small group of us (Brice, Me, Nathan, and Tim, I think) ran outside and ran to my old elementry shcool and played on the playgrounds. Oooh, what memories.

~Ben, Ross, and Phillip part from us as we drive away for

~Taco Bell: with the drug dealer, cops, and glowing dinosaur. Oh yes. and a lot of babymaking. it was all like INSTABABY!

~Tim's house! Where there was lots more Babymakege and internetage.

~my house! alone! after i retrieved my camra from Nathan's house. Yeah, and here I am. Blogging for you. *shakes fist*

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 12:48 AM:-

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Thursday, January 29, 2004::

Amy- Making up a history. says:
ah, my sister's a music junkie at the age of 6
Someday low notes fade away and go true and stale. Somewhere words don't crater in at all. says:
Someday low notes fade away and go true and stale. Somewhere words don't crater in at all. says:
Amy- Making up a history. says:
Amy- Making up a history. says:
my sister was like "Oooo..Goo Goo Dolls!"
Amy- Making up a history. says:
and then she was like *eyes get big* "I like muuusiicc"
Amy- Making up a history. says:
she's always asking my mom if she can play "the church music"
Someday low notes fade away and go true and stale. Somewhere words don't crater in at all. says:
Someday low notes fade away and go true and stale. Somewhere words don't crater in at all. says:
and the church music is...?
Amy- Making up a history. says:
a random mix if christian music that i downloaded a while back and burned for Paul and Becca and Becca basically overtook it and stole it and claimed it as hers.
Amy- Making up a history. says:
and she comes in my room and glares at me oftentimes and goes "do YOU have my church music?" and i'm like Oo "um...no." and she's like *glare* "where is it?" and i'm like "I don't know!" and then she leaves...glaring...
Someday low notes fade away and go true and stale. Somewhere words don't crater in at all. says:
aw.. cute
Amy- Making up a history. says:
Oh sure. It's cute when SHE does it but when /I/ do it it's evil. What's up with that?!

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 8:57 PM:-

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Wednesday, January 28, 2004::

Melissa says:
not u again
Amy- Making up the history. says:
yeah sorry
Melissa says:
damn I thought I got rid of you
Amy- Making up the history. says:
ahh...yeah...about that...30 yr old ducktape and twisty-ties don't really work....the throwing off the bridge thing was a good idea but yeah...it helps if you actually throw me off the bridge and not just let me jump off on my own...
Melissa says:
ohh ooppss

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 9:26 PM:-

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Tuesday, January 27, 2004::


*cries and sqirms in seat* Heads will roll for this.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 11:21 AM:-

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Monday, January 26, 2004::

Friday Night

Pictures were of crappy quality but these pictures right here shoudl explain enough...

EDIT 2/23/04: I took down the photos, I needed to make room on FourValve. (except picture below)

Run run!

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 5:58 PM:-

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-What time is it?: 5:04 p.m.
-What's the date?: January 26
-Full Name: Amy Kelley
-Age: 16
-Birthday: October 22, 1987
-Height: 5'0"
-Eye color: hazel
-Hair color: brown
-Where were you born?: Lake Jackson
-Where do you live now?: Lake Jackson
-Do you like it there?: Uhh...maybe.
-If your life were a movie, what would it be rated?: x____X Um.... PG-13? R? I don't know.
-Are your parents married/divorced/re-married?: married
-What is your email address?: TheRandomPenguin@hotmail.com
-Right or left handed?: right
-Shoe size: 5
-Find a book nearby and type a random sentence from it: "Bei einem wirte wundermild, Da war ich jungist zu Gaste." from Dream Interpretations by Sigmund Frued.
-Do you think it's okay to cuss?: Slip-ups happen.
-Who is your favorite teacher?: Ugh....some teachers are cool some are evil I don't recall having a favorite.
-What's your favorite candy?: Reeses?
-One person you have killed in your thoughts: That's classified.
-Do you have anything written on your hands right now? If so, what?: Not right now.
-Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Nadda.
-One thing you dislike a lot: I dislike lots of things.
-A song you'd like everyone to hear: "I'll Be" by Edwin McCain

-How many friends do you have?: A lot?
-Who's your best friend?: D'Mari/Nathan
-Who can make you smile no matter what mood you're in?: D'Mari?
-Which person do you pretend to be friends with but you secretly hate?: o__O I don't think I hate anyone.
-Do any of your friends just piss you off?: Sometimes, not usually.
-Do you get sick of your friends easily?: not really...
-If you had to be stuck with 5 friends for the rest of your life who would you pick?: I dunno
-Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you are comfortable enough with to talk about almost anything? If so, who?: Yeah, Nathan.
~Which one of your friends is the...~
-Craziest?: Mark...but the rest of them are pretty crazy too.
-Loudest?: Nathan/Mark/Ross
-Nicest?: Nathan/D'Mari/Michele/Rachel/Sarah
-Life of the party?: Mark probably
-Jock?: Kelsi/Mark/etc
-Most popular?: muhh...Kelsi, or maybe Ross too.
-Cutest?: o____o
-friend(s) of the same sex?: D'Mari/Kelsi/Sara/Michele/Rachel/Sarah/Jenny/Annie/etc
-friend(s) of the opposite sex?: Nathan/Mark/Tim/Sean/Ross/Aaron/Sam/etc
-Rudest?: eh...
-Most shy?: Tim/D'Mari/Michele/Rechel/Sarah
-Smartest?: Not quite sure...they're all pretty freakin smart.
-Weirdest?: They're all really REALLY weird.
-Has the best hair?: *thinks* umma...Kelsi or Annie ^-^
-Has the best laugh?: *thinks* uhh....I don't know...
-Person you've been friends with the longest?: I've known Kelsi the longest.
-How many people do you have on your buddy list?: 69 on my School Friend's list

-Hangouts: Nathan's house, my house, Mall, Shy Pond,
-Website: the Untitled Webcomic
-Movies: A Beautiful Mind, Lord of the Rings (all), X-Men(2), Aladin, Now and Then, Black Hawk Down,
-Bands: go look at my list no my bio *point*
-Color: Green
-Food: Ha,burger Helper (cheese burger)
-(Current) Song: #11 on the "Matatee" CD
-TV show: Godlen Girls, anything on the Discovery Channel
-School subject: Psychology, or it WILL be.
-Band/singer: Philmore, Manatee, etc etc
-Radio station: Mix 96.5
-Pair of shoes: my pair i wear everyday
-Cartoon: Fairly Odd Parents
-Actor: i don't care.
-Drink: cream soda. x__X
-Holiday: Christmas, or Summer Vacation.
-Video game: uh... Driver(PS1) or DDR
-Book: The Bible, Belgariad series, Redwall Series, The Cathedral, Harry Potter series, Castaways of the Flying Dutchman, the Dream Encyclopedia, Dream Interpretations,
-Number: 22
-Clothing store: i dunno.
-Past time: hanging out with firneds, having deep discussions online, blogging, music
-Thing to do on the weekend: do something crazy
-Season: Fall/Autumn
-Person to talk to: lots of people
-Person to talk to online: Rob

~Right Now~
-Listening to: Mortal combat music.-HAHA
-Watching: nada
-Wearing: jeans, green shirt, fun socks
-Eating: Chcolate Chip cookies
-Thinking: "er-err-er-ererr-eerr-errr-eerrr"
-Talking to: no one
-Feeling: bored

~Have you ever~
-Drank?: a little
-Smoked?: not really
-Done drugs?: ummah... *glare*
-Had sex?: *glare* I hate you.
-Cut class?: yup ^-^ well, we were suppose to be goign to the "library"...having 3 lunches is fun ^-^' silly Dance class.
-Got in a fight?: Not a serious fight. I've slapped my fair share of people and I've beaten up my brother/cousins/old neighborhood friends a lot. Well...usually they won. Except my brother.
-Mooned anyone?: nope.
-Been on a diet?: nope
-Been to a foreign country?: Nope
-Broken a bone?: Nope.
-Swallowed a tooth/cap/filling?: nope
-Gone skinny dipping?: Nope.
-Stolen anything?: Well, actually that was an accident. I didn't realize it was in my hand until I was alreayd outside the store and i freaked out and sat it down and walked away. lol.
-Been on TV?: Nope"
-Been on the radio?: nope
-Been in a mosh pit?: nope, i'm too small, i'd die
-Been to a concert?: kinda, yeah
-Dated one of your best friends?: yeah
-Broken the law?: yeah
-Been frisked?: yep, every school day for a month, HA.
-Been to a rodeo?: nope
-Been on an airplane?: Nope
-Got to ride on a firetruck?: no
-Came close to dying?: yup
-Cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend?: Nope.
-Snuck out of the house at night?: nope. I'd DIE. Well...unless you count sneaking out fo my friends house..
-Been arrested?: nah
-Gone to camp?: yupness
-Slow danced with someone you love?: yupness
-Kissed in the rain?: nope
-Thrown up in public?: nope
-Taken ballet lessons?: nope, restricted childhood, i didn't do any extra carricular acitvities. lol

-What time is it?: 5:49 p.m.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 5:46 PM:-

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Sunday, January 25, 2004::

Hate me

I'm really pretty annoyed by the fact that a certain person I thought was my friend hates me. And the annoying part is that she never told me she hated me to my face. I had to find out from other friends.

I don't even think I have friends. They're just all fakeing it.

And if you're going to hate me, get freakin' better reasons.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 9:42 PM:-

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Saturday, January 24, 2004::

Slept in

I slept in through the soccer game. I blame it on that movie we watched last night, "Wrong Turn", you know, with the cannibal hillbillies and all. I dunno, I think all the disassembled bodies and blood got to me. I don't react well to horror movies. My face did make very good friends with the couch cusions though, yes.

But I'll go to the one this coming weekend. There's another game on Saturday at the practice field at the same time. 10:30am.

Yeah, It sucked, I was having a really weird dark dream and the phone rang and my eyes shot open right on the clock and it was 10:40 and I went "DANGIT!". Got up...found the phone and I was all disoriented and this lady was talking to me and I was like in retard-mode. and I told her to call back for whoever she wanted to talk to later.

Childhood, Sports, and Capture the Flag

On the subject of sports, I don't hate sports. I just don't like competition. Like, it's okay to want to beat soeone and win the game, yes, but I don't like how they drill it into people's minds that they have to win. I don't like 'rivalry', it's a form of hate. Unless this is real war, you don't have to win.

Perhaps I would have a different opinion if I had been put into sports as a child. But I was always strictly in daycare so the only sports action I got as a child was from that and school.

Not to say I didn't get sports action from daycare, I strictly remember being a 1st grader and playing the goalie in a soccer game with a bunch of 3rd graders. I'm a pretty good goalie, I have to say, for being so small. And I remember playing kickball on a makeshift dimond field formed by a manhole-cover, a box sticking slightly off the ground, one actual base and a sweater. I remember sliding to the base and bearly making it before they tagged me out.

I have played a sport before, for a while I hoarded my love of playing basketball, except that I didn't realize until I actually joined a team that I like to work alone. Stand in front of a goal and shoot by myself. But I joined a team in the 6th grade. Wasn't even half as great as I thought it'd be, I was small, so they only stick me in 1/5 of the time. I hated it everytime we lost a game. I suppose you could say we were exactly average. Won 3, Lost 3, Tied 1. It was durring my point of playing basketball that I began eating twice as much and I gained 20 lbs in a single month. Yeah. Pretty insane.
And after that I havn't played a sport since.

But I have to say the best game ever will always be Capture the Flag, perhaps it's like a game of war, hide and seek, and spies at the same time.

I'd like to see a town-wide game. Gather together like 50 people and have 25 people on each team. 8 cars, two flag, two decoy flags and a limitted part of the city. That would be awesome. Abosultly military action, capturing other team mates and sending them to a designated jail, and an actual place to hold them, at that, not just some silly invisible lines in an open field. In this game you'd have obsticals, buildings, cars, houses, actual jail you actually have to escape from o___O, and l33t ninja power.

Yeah, I'm imagining it all now. Ah, the good life.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 1:46 PM:-

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Friday, January 23, 2004::

Perhaps this day was one in which to be amused

Well, I woke up this morning and made a potato-man in about 10 minutes

I went to first period and this guy in there asked me if I was a cheerleader. I was confused and found it awfully amusing.

On the way to webmastering I pokedged Brian with a bendy straw like I said I would!

In second period I tried to contain myself not to explode in class.

In B-lunch me and D'Mari and Krystal lef the cafeteria and D'Mari got a drink of water, I said let's go to the bathroom because I had to pee and then Satan, I mean, the assistant principal walked up to us and went "GO BACK TO THE 9TH GRADE CAMPUS!"
whoa there, lady, chill out.
me: "Um, we're sophmores."
And she didn't believe us and asked us to see our ID's and, what the heck? Almost nobody carrys around their stupid ID's! Freak! Krystal had hers, and proved that she was a Junior.
So she made us go into her office and made the secretary lady look us up on the computers and the lady was like
"Well Amy is a sophmore..."
"...And D'Mari is a sophmore"
No, the AP didn't even apologise to us, she just glared more and said "fine...go back to the cafeteria and stay there"
I think somebody needs some prozac.

the last half of English I read my bible instead of reaing a Tale of Two Cities, that's right. I brought my Bible to school. Shaddup.

And then Theatre was allright. The bus ride home was a little cramped with people I didn't know, but yeah.


I'm making an effort to go see the J.V. Silver Boys Soccer game, tomorrow. Now I just need to scrape up $5 and a Kelsiness.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 4:57 PM:-

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Wednesday, January 21, 2004::

Yeah, I'm telling you

The Swift (I dunno how they sound) is going to be playing at Family Life Church at 6:30pm today. TODAY. FREE. Ends at about 8:30-9pm. BE THERE! Oh yeah and. . . . Free Food.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 6:51 AM:-

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Tuesday, January 20, 2004::

¡Qué el Infierno?

Bienvenido a "Sueños Sombreados". Soy su blogmaster dedicado, Amy. Hoy yo lo enseñaré a lamer gusanos.

El perdedor.

¡Tengo un pingüino en mis pantalones!

Las galletas son galletas pero las galletas están delicioso.


Bien estuvo bien hoy, supongo, yo no dormí en la clase hoy. Para que sea bueno. Pienso que fallaré la geometría aunque. Así, que es malo.
A malo estoy todavía enfermo.
He sido un idiota verdadero recientemente. Lo siento. *suspiro*
Yo me debo hacer algo este fin de semana.

Random blog posting in spanish . . . another side effect of:

Shady Dreams.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 4:34 PM:-

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Monday, January 19, 2004::

Thought Process

I'm making mistakes, I'm making decisions, I'm making myself up, I'm tearing myself down, turning from things I love and care about, the things I know, but the way to heaven is narrow and jagged and the way to hell is wide and comforable. To go with comfort or to walk into uncertainty. When the pieces seem jagged and you want to to run the other way. But you've come to far..., I'm so close.

We are jaded men, scarred and unforgiving. We are shallow men, lusting over everything we see. We are men of evil, creating havoc for another for our own musements. We are worldly men, knowing the price of everything and the value of nothing.

Without our clothes, we are naked, but real.
Without our hearts, we are cold and dead.
Without our mind, we are thoughtless.
Without our eyes, we are blind.

Perhaps then we should have a healthy balance of coverage, love, thoughts, and eyes.

Right now I'm in a hole. And I'm flying in the clouds. And it's lonely and cold in the room.

And you'll not understand because neither can I.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 6:01 PM:-

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Sunday, January 18, 2004::


I was up for over 24 hours. I was trying to stay awake all the way until 10pm tonight so I could be really tired and fall asleep and then wake up early and get back on a school schedual. But yeah. I failed. I fell asleep form 3:30pm-5:30pm. I was hoping that would solve my falling-asleep-in-class problem. We'll see, eh?


Yeah, I'm sick. My voice has been screwed up for 3 days now. and I'm developing a cough. It's funny because I was on the verge of being sick for like 3 months and now something happened and my immune system weakened just enough to let this happen. Rowr.
However, my immune system isn't doing so bad. Besides my voice and an every-now-and-then cough, I feel pretty-much0 fine. I really hate coughs though. I hate coughs more than a burning fever with congestion and death. Rawr.

Yeah, I'm on the phone with Nathan and he switched to the other line and his dad answered and goes "hello?" and I asked for Nathan and apearently he thought I said "Nancy" and i was like "noo... naa-tthaaan"

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 7:00 PM:-

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Wow, my price dropped!

You are worth exactly: $1,593,756.00.

Apearently this is a lower price than from back in May 2003.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 2:41 AM:-

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Time to Show Off

Yeah, I'm gunna brag with some pictures right now. I have to at least admit this is pretty good, considering I'm taking pictures of my own self.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 2:12 AM:-

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Saturday, January 17, 2004::

What the crap...

The school just mailed me a parking ticket and I've never even driven my car before... o____X

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 4:34 PM:-

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Daaammmm you blogger! You deleted my huge post! You can screw yourself before I type that all again!

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 3:34 AM:-

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Thursday, January 15, 2004::

My Prison

Well this was kind of random. I find it kinda sad that I only have myself to use as a model. But God I love manipulating myself into thinking I look better than I really am. XD Even if only for a minute... ::rawr::

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 10:14 PM:-

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Wednesday, January 14, 2004::


Well... apearently we have a theatre contests the day of Belle dance....doens't THAT suck. Not like I'd be going.

I'm getting sick and i look awful today. God. >.<

I'm tired of people treating me like crap. I'm tired of being pushed and laughed at. I'm tired.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 9:09 PM:-

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Tuesday, January 13, 2004::

Childish Games and Teenage Faces With Nothing Being What It Really Is

I overcame an extrodenary fear today, though it is certainly not gone and certainly isn't quite as awesome as it really is.
I'm somewhat proud of myself, though still faultering, I pray to God everyday to give me the power to overcome it.

Apearently people at school are having trouble over this Belle dance thing. Belle dance, eh? Never been. Wouldn't have the guts to ask anyone, though people are trying to rid me of this horrfying fear of mine.

Is it selfish to be afraid? Do I really want to go?

When you look at the clock ticks twelve you know you need to wake at dawn but you can't sleep too much to face when the day has now begun.

I need MSN buddies TheRandomPenguin@hotmail.com Well, even though I have 84 people on my list and 16 people online right now. Heh.

Another Casualty of Society

I think I've been thinking too much again, about how other people see me and what this does for me. Frankly I shouldn't care, as long as I am Christian. But when you jump into other people's eyes and want to cry and you know you need confindence because that's the only way people like you. Why do the popular people put themselves through crap? Why are there social classes?
Why is a man/woman judged by their clothes? Did not Christ himself say not to worry about how you look or the clothes on your back? But only that you believe and following in his footsteps? Is not any man greater than another? Does beauty matter so much in this world that we take what amtters for granted?

I am not your steriotype. I am not your slave, I am not your tool, nor am I your friend or your enemy. I am not your lover, and thus I also do not hate. And I am not your fool. These past feelings of such self worthlessness should come to and end as I cry to God, why does any man matter more than you, Lord. Why does man matter more than God to some. But God I want to follow you, if you can pull me through this mind frame I've created over my existance, troubles trauma's scarred into my mind, some that I burry so deep I often forget they exist or are real. Things I've not but whispered in my sleep and seen in my nightmares to that I wake and don't remember.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 7:56 PM:-

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Monday, January 12, 2004::

Welcome Our Newest Member to the personal blog links Aaron's Blog

Treat it well.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 6:12 PM:-

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As you can see, Amy forgot to take her medicine *Twitch*

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 11:25 AM:-

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Raawwrrr...WHY GOD WHY?!?! *is in webmastering* *isn't listening* This. is. Torment. Just. Kill. Me. Now. *Twitch*

heh heh, look what i just made in FrontPage:

Hello this is your computer speaking. Yes, that's right, YOUR COMPUTER.
Beee afraaaiiddd...

Freak, if you're my computer, what is your NAME?


Freak! Who has a name like that.

Don't make me angry, I'll delete all your top-secret government files.

No, not the top-secret government files! Noo anything!!

Be my slave, human!

Slave? What! Bite me! Never!

Deleting War Craft III...


-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 11:18 AM:-

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Sunday, January 11, 2004::

20 Random Facts About Amy and Life

1. I'm an insomniac!
2. I am right-brain dominant which means I tip the scale more for intuition and creativity rather than logic and mathmatics.
3. I have what's called a "simian line" on both of my palms, which in palm reading is associated with misfortune and bad luck and only occurs in about 1% of the world's population. Though it is present in many normal people of average and above average intelligence, it is commonly found in about 80% of Down Syndrom people.
4. This blog's original title when it was created in July of 2002 was The Dark Corner of my mind ^-^
5. Social Anxiety has become a persistant problem for me.
6. My nickname is now "Snoops"
7. I've been working with HTML since I was 13 yrs old.
8. I've been working with computers since about the age of 7 yrs old.
9. I am definately not a morning person.
10. My first nickname ever was from when I had my first website "Tess's Redwall Abbey" where all my online friends called me "Tess" or 'Tessy" and this became so widespread that for a while my own friends, and even parents called me "Tess". I have a birthday card form Kelsi to prove it o____X
11. I've developed a problem with falling asleep in class.
12. I should be in bed right now.
13. Jesus is my homeboy.
14. I've definately decided that I an not part of any social group or steriotype. I am not trying to be the same or any different than anyone else. I'm just me.
15. I've been on the verge of getting sick for the past 2 months.
16. My Doggy (Faith) is a butt-munch ^-^
17. I've finally learned to deal with that nto everyone likes me. Whatever.
18. I've always been below average height/weight. <,<
19. I've been holding back all sorts of stresses and emotions altely and the result was a few days ago I ended up haveing another anxiety attack. I thought i was dying and it hurt to move/breathe. <,<
20. I'm hungry.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 10:10 PM:-

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Saturday, January 10, 2004::


Hrm, well to answer your question, Sam. The actual meeting of Scooby did not occur at this concert. But I was informed that, dispite some concerns, that he is still a really good person. So yeah.

I need Tuesday to come. I need to live life up. Rawr. RAWR. *gnaw*

Moving Away

My mom stuck the cat that lives at my house in a plastic box and took it to my aunt's house. She has a ton of cats. They're interesting to watch and all have their own personalities. I was worried about my little sister though who was like wallowing in them and petting their face/head/chest/feet/bellys that she would get scratched up. but she didn't.

Most cat's like tuna.

Some cats like to stalk their tuna.

Some cats like to pounce around it and glare at it and then run away from their tuna.

10th grade

10th grade is a strange year. 9th grade was probably stranger in a bad way. but 10th grade's definately weird. I need to gain confidence. rawr. CONFINDENCE AMY.

A little down

I need a hug.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 7:20 PM:-

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Friday, January 09, 2004::


I just got back from freezing my ass off at a concert in Dunbar Park for 2 1/2 hours. That's right. And you know what? I found the entire circumstances and events to be the, if not, most disapointing thing I've ever experienced. I've been back for about 45 minutes now and I'm still numb. All the way through.

I think I just give up. I'm not worth this.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 10:40 PM:-

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Thursday, January 08, 2004::


Argh. Well, I actually like my schedual. But I'm not liking all this homework.. I have W. History Adv. and Geometry AND spanish Homework. x________O How's that for cruel and unusual punishment? Not to mention I'm in no mood to work and I need a bath.

Schedual is as follows (basically the same as last year...with a one class difference:

W. History Adv.
Integrated Physics and Chemestry (IPC)
Spanish II

Communication Applicaitons (aka. Speech)
English II PAP
Adv. Theatre

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 9:01 PM:-

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Wednesday, January 07, 2004::

Rise and Shine

Arg! Noo....school...can't....soo...tired...no...energy...what? eat a healthy breakfast? ¬_¬ I bearly feel like moving my fingers much less move my mouth to eat.

arg...must...dance...music...so....tired.... u_UzzZzz

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 6:21 AM:-

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Tuesday, January 06, 2004::

Ok a Bone for You

You want something interesting besides quizzes? Fine. I'll rambel. I find it extreamly hard to post recently feelings and events on my blog because of the masses of different people that read my blog at a time, or even at different times. I have absolutly no wanting to hurt people's feelings or to have angry people up on my back. I'm weak like that, yeah. So lately I've been choosing my words carefully around each person and on my blog.

So that's the reason for all the quizzes.

Lately I've found myself online more this past holiday. I suppose that's because when me and Nathan were going out we always did stuff together almost everday. And now that we're not, well, this, though gives me freedom I suppose, is not good, however, for my back, which hurts a lot from sitting in this chair all day.


School starts up tomorrow, I'm not sure how much I'll enjoy that. Especially since I'm definately not back on my school schedual.

And my bus comes at 6:41a.m. and I'm at school at like 7am. Joy.

I hope my schedual doens't change too much. I'm particularly worried about my first period A-days. And worried about that class not just because of a school schedual either. Heh.

I'm also worried about if I passed Geometry. I'll be very unhappy if i didn't.

Fun stuff

I have done a couple fun things this holiday though. But I probably shouldn't tell you on the blog about it.

Deleted From Society

Yeah...i'm sitll working on the teplate. I got enw buttons for it. But I havn't set them up and tested them yet. I think I like them, though.

's all for now. Now to just remember where my Tutorial class is... <,<

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 7:31 PM:-

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Monday, January 05, 2004::

More Quizes to rot your mind

I guess i'm just not interesting enough to post something useful . . . So all you get is quizzes.

Are you Addicted to the Internet?


Hardcore Junkie (61% - 80%)
While you do get a bit of sleep every night and sometimes leave the house, you spend as much time as you can online. You usually have a browser, chat clients, server consoles, and your email on auto check open at all times. Phone? What's that? You plan your social events by contacting your friends online. Just be careful you don't get a repetitive wrist injury...

The Are you Addicted to the Internet? Quiz at Quiz Me!

Well...i already DO have a bad wrist. But that doesn't stop me!

Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!

Who (pun not intended) here can say "amen"?

The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz
The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz


discover your inner candy heart @ quiz me

Actually I beg people not to get me anything for Valentines day... >.>


You surround yourself with art and music and are constantly driven to express yourself. You often daydream. You prefer honesty in your relationships and belive strongly in your personal morals.

Find out your color at Quiz Me!

Yumm. =)

discover your jack-o-lantern face @ quiz me

I didn't even try to get that...

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 12:19 PM:-

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Sunday, January 04, 2004::

Ok so
Ok so I just ended up going to the mall with my little sister instead. Heh. >.>

I bought an air freshener for my car that says "This air freshener does not taste like chicken"

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 6:59 PM:-

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I want to have a freaking huge party!!!!!

I want to have some FUN before school comes back!
I figure the best way to go about this is to go to a party that everyone's going to. Not just a small little group like usual.
Unfortunatly I don't know of any partys and highly doubt I could throw one.

So maybe I can just get a bigbigbig group of a mixture of people to get together and hang out...somewhere!

Bargh. My plans are fading...need people with cars...and...fun.....

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 2:13 PM:-

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Saturday, January 03, 2004::


ohh geez! i think im in love with you! marry me!
you love Dashboard as much as i do...or your a
good guesser...go you!

Another Dashboard Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla

Haha. Soemone loves me!

You are kinda 50/50 Your one of the normal
people.Your lucky you arent a dork or a loser
and you arent completely popular either but at
least you can maintain your socila drive.But
also you have many friends as a popular person
would and 1 of those friends are probubly a

?*~Are You a true Popular Person~*?
brought to you by Quizilla

o_O But I /am/ a loser! XD. Well, whatever, at least my head isn't up my ass.


Are you an idiot?
brought to you by Quizilla



Do you suck?
brought to you by Quizilla


1,899,000% fat, I don't know what to say. What ever
I say will be bad...so thank-you for not caring
about your weight!

How Much Fat Do You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla

oohh.... XD

god is defanetly your homeboy , remember nomatter
what you do, god loves everyone and he
never desriminates or loathes or cheats people
he will allways listen and answer your

is jesus your homeboy?
brought to you by Quizilla

Jesus is my homeboy.

Your Mom's a Nerd.

Your Mom... (due to facts about you)
brought to you by Quizilla


you represent expansion pack #3: Hot Date. You're
all about having fun, going out and partying,
but most important is that you're an emotional,
passionate person, and you must probably be
very romantic also, which makes you a great,
lovable person, but, even with that watch out
you don't break other people's hearts partly
because of your spontaneity and moodiness. In
this game you can create and watch
relationships between your own sims, from
having fun and partying, from flirting, to
dating, to relationship problems, to.....

brought to you by Quizilla

:-s Saddly I think that does relate to me...at least partially

Poor you, you're soo shy and quite that people think you're
a retard. You wish that you could be their
friends and are screaming out for social
relationships, but you have an anxiety problem you
mostly just daydream otherwise your in a deep
state of depression

*#WhAt PeRsOnaLiTy DiSoRdEr Do U HaVe??$*
brought to you by Quizilla


Yeah, your pritty damn insane, lets go eat some

>ÙX_x Are You Insane? x_X Ù
brought to you by Quizilla

MWAHAHA! XD I love you!

,----You have your share moments(hey dont
we all) but you understand there are some
things you WONT do, and thats good to know ur
limits..overall you're a good person with a
good head. --->

<---what kind of girl are you?-->
brought to you by Quizilla


YOU'RE FUNNY. You have an excellent appreciation
for good humor- both the popsicle brand and the
kind found printed on those nifty popsicle

brought to you by Quizilla


-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 8:55 PM:-

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-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 4:42 PM:-

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Well this is crap

Rob - Ilsohvwea. (9) says:
Rob - Ilsohvwea. (9) says:
Make yourself seem helpless.
Rob - Ilsohvwea. (9) says:
(And THAT'S gonna take a lot of skill. *rolls eyes*)
*Amy* ~Emo Kids like being fat. says:
*Amy* ~Emo Kids like being fat. says:
am i that much of a loser?


god i'm going crazy >.> I need someone's help....someone that could help me....but first i must sleep before hallucinations set in. Too tired to sleep though....

Life is....

Doens't make it easier to be away...

Rob - Ilsohvwea. (9) says:
That's not my bed and this isn't my room. And there is no TV.
*Amy* ~Emo Kids like being fat. says:
*Amy* ~Emo Kids like being fat. says:
where am i?
Rob - Ilsohvwea. (9) says:
On MSN. :(
*Amy* ~Emo Kids like being fat. says:
ah. yes. sad.

TIP NO. 4539A Do not talk to Amy at 3:30 in the morning, she's depressing as hell. Get a life *kick!*

i'm going to bed

jdfljlfjifhfdhhdfhfdesfhsashfrshtshyshhohshushhshshcoshhoshhbhshy. :(

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 3:23 AM:-

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Friday, January 02, 2004::

Oh how I dispise you moter scooters. I dispise you up and down my street. Making noises far too loud. Keeping me from precious sleep. I dispise you moter scooters. And now that I have a car . . . you better watch out becuase i'll run you over o_O

Don't get an Evil Moter Scooter

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 11:56 AM:-

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I'm laughing SO HARD.

I found my website that I made like 3-4 years ago. WOW it was crap. And it was a 'Redwall' website. I like took down my Redwall posters this week...and that's because one fo them fell off my wall and i figured i didn't really like them anymore anyways.

here's the main page http://www.expage.com/tesschurchmouse

I told you my nickname was Tess.

Search around for all my crap ont he website. I think some of the links died. Oh well. The activites still works. Please do not e-mail me to join the site, I'll have to kill you >.<

Oh WOW, Sharla (even though you don't read my blog) I found a play you submitted in my old website. haha
here's the main apge that wasn't working apearently: http://www.expage.com/tessmemberspage I just want you all to commant and laugh on how crappy my website was then.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 10:42 AM:-

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Same Old Me Again Today

Tired of me yet? I like to sit back and brood over how people change throughout their lives. Some change for good and some change for worse. I think I've done all 3 in my lifetime. That's right, three. And like twisted the twines of my mind to the point of cut off and back again. I like to sit back and remind myself we're all human.


Yes, I'm a true Insomniac. Insomnia not being that I don't sleep at all. Gah. Go get a dictionary.

I was up last night until about 4am talking to people. Finally I headed off to bed. Took me about probably 30 minutes to nod off. I had some dream, I think, I can't remember it.
And then I woke up at 7:30.

That's right. 3 hours of sleep. I woke up completely awake and I was like "Crap".

Something is Wrong Here, I Don't Belong Here

Everyone should check out the Insult Fatty Blog Where you can make Fatty feel abd about herself.

Fatty, get a job.

On a personal note about insults, I quite enjoy insulting myself. People think that I'm being really hard on myself but really I like my own insults. As long as it's not from anyone else, mind you. It makes me giggle when people make a big deal when I tell them I'm a loser.
One of these reasons for my odd train of thought could be because I have a HORRBILE time giving someone a compliment. So if I ever compliment you, be glad, because it probably took all of my guts to say even the simplest compiment. Not that I don't think nicely of people. I do. I just feel incredibly stupid saying it. and I'm afraid they'll be like "Freak". In which, I AM a freak... but only I am allowed to call me that. (With the exception of Annie and Jenny I suppose)
Another reason could be that if I get myself used to as many insults as possible, they won't be so surprising when people actually insult me! ...which does happen. Damn them. *writes them off on list of people to kill*

Strange Behavier

I may seem like a negative person, but I guess I don't mean to. Really I just like to cuddle and talk to people. ^-^

When we get my car painted I'm going to give it a name tag and name it. No, you cannot name my car. *bite* oops...sorry *lick*

I'm not really this mean in real life ^-^ I have to vent some agressive behavier! Infact, I'm usually incredibly shyly quiet around people I don't. And I probably won't act weird around you until I'm comfortable with you seeing how stupid I can be.

HA. And people in skloo fight over me to be my partner in IPC class. I laugh at them. LAUGH SO HARD. Because it's not that I'm smart... it's that the class is EASY! I'm at LEAST making the second highest grade in that class. Freaks! That class is bloody easy!

Now math is hard. *right brain dominant person* And apearently creative-algebra just isn't working. ^-^''''

Well, ok, I am pretty good in Web Mastering ^-^ *is a tech-y* Infact I'm practically the only person the T.A. will assosiate with because I'm one of the few that know what I'm doing. He sits there the whole time and laughs at people and is like "GOD THEY'RE SO FKING STUPID". ^-^''

Well, ok, no one wants to be my partner in History class. *grumblegrumble*, or English *grumblegrumble*

As for the other classes...ah..who cares.

I Just Want You to Know Who I Am

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 10:01 AM:-

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Thursday, January 01, 2004::

My First Car

Hiii! Guess what? I GOT A CAR! Woohoo! It's an '89 Camaro RS! We got it really cheap for $1000. It's nice, it has a brand new engine. It has a dent in the side, but that's ok. Adn the AC clutch is messed up. Also we need to get inspection stickers on it and we're going to repaint it. Right now it's babyblue. We'll probably getit painted black...or red. Or maybe even green! Here's some pictures.

Here are some pictures of it...

EDIT 2/23/04: I took down the photos, I needed to make room on FourValve.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 5:54 PM:-

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Oh, and by the way, HAPPY FRIGIN NEW YEAR!

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 12:12 AM:-

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