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Weblog Entries:

Tuesday, October 26, 2004::

The Party

Hm... well I guess i can start out by saying that I realluy enjoyed the party, even though I was a bit disoriented. Thank you everyone who gave came and to everybody who gave me presents! I really enjoy every single one of them.

I had a much alrger post inteded for this, but I suppose I can't really say anything that everyone doesn't already know!


Also i'd like to announce the completion of my 41st piece of writing on my poetry blog.

I know some of my works are crappy, I'm debating wether tot ake of the non-serious ones. If i should put little icons by them to represent the catagories? They're not all Poems, I should probably separate the Poems from the lyrics from the AIM Away message, or something. 0_o but that's too many catagories? Gah.

ANYWANYS, my nathan should be back at LeTourneau by now, and everyone's blogging is sucking. BLOG MORE!


-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 7:30 AM:-

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Friday, October 22, 2004::

TAKS Day 4 and Birthday

Today was the last day of TAKS, and also my Birthday. Yey! I'll get to that later. Me and Aaron were sneaky sneaky durring the test again, but STILL we ended up in the beignning of 2nd peorpd. It was just that easy.

I'm really glad that I'm finally 17 (or that I can officially say I am, though for the apst month i almost al;wasys say 17 when epople asked how old I was, heh).
It's kind of just anotehr day for me, just . . . different? Everyone was realyl cool today. Amykin made me brownies, and Kelsi bought me lunch :)
My parents decided that they're going to give me $30 and a cellphone, awesome.
Nathan's going to be here within a few minutes form his long trip from LeTourneau. I'm happy :) He has presents for me but he won't say what they are. *whiine*

Besides that I'm nto expecting much else, but i'll keep you informed.

I love October 22.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 7:20 PM:-

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Thursday, October 21, 2004::

TAKS Day 3

Today I took the HISTORY section of TAKS, which is like, bloody easy. Me and Aaron were taking our sweet time though so we cuold miss more of class. Even then we still ended up still going to 2nd period and it wasn't even half over.

The mosquitos hurt me x_o


I'm pretty sure i'm in a writing slump. And an art slump too since my digital camra cracked and I don't have the software to my scanner.

I'm also confused as to what I want to be when I grow up. I've been sayiung since 3 years ago that I wanted to be a Psychologist. Recently I changed it (slightly) to a Lisensed Professional Councelor. But then I thought about ti and if I have those jobs my hair can't be crazy colors. And I like dying my hair crazy colors just because I like to and I have a crazy personality that way 0_o. But I'd ahve to look PROFESSIONAL. Geez. Now I'm lost. I wish I could draw REALLY well, and I could just live off of making webcomics or something. x_x

Nathan's thinking about switching majors. That's a little scarey for me even though he tells me not to worry about it right now. I guess it's just that we had everything planned out, and now at the last minute everything's changing. I need to decide, but stuff like this takes time . . . I want to be happy with my job above making money. (unlike my aprents advice) I need to knwo so I can choose a college. I'm just frustrated. *geez*

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 8:07 PM:-

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Wednesday, October 20, 2004::

TAKS Day 2

And Today I took the math portion of the TAKS test. Need I remind you how LITTLE I like math? But at least I'm nto totally aweful at it. Me and Aaron had fun trying to make signs to eachother about how far along in the test we were. We failed but it was fun trying.

The lights went out durring testing, for some reason I sound this HILARIOUS. The guy behind me was really ticked off though and kept swearing obsenities and even went up the the front where the intructers were to let his voice be heard about how he wouldn't stand for this because he didn't $%^& wanna take the test and he only have 5 #%#% problems left and how he should #$#$^ be %$^#$ home right now. I also thought this was HILARIOUS. Stupid boy doens't realize that NO ONE CARES. Geez! When he realizes the world doens't revovle around his stupid head then the world will be a better place.

Anyhow, so they had just moved us to the 9th grade center library (because it has lots fo windows for light) and the lights came back on. "aww" I had to sit next to that stupid kid. He kept telling me to stop cheating off his test. 0_o yeah . . . like I would cheat off HIS test. Riiiight.

Anyways, by the time I finnished A lunch was nearly over. They gave me a pass to eat lunch but i coudln't because i had to catch the bus to B'Port for health Science Tech. I also had to pee REALLYREALLY bad 0_o. So after i went potty I ran out and everyone was baording the bus so I RAN. And I made it. Bad news is I had no lunch. Oddly I wasn't hungry. But I guess after eating multicolroed goldfish you woudln't be very hungry either 0_o

I finnished out the school day squaling in Chemestry class with Jenny. Yum.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 8:55 PM:-

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Tuesday, October 19, 2004::

TAKS Day 1

So today I took the ELA portion of the TAKS test . . . the entire process lasted about 4 1/2 hours. -.- I'm tired.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 5:23 PM:-

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Saturday, October 16, 2004::

Things Dad's Teach Us
If you're offended, so am I

  • I'm a kid, I don't knwo what I'm talking about.
  • I"m always wrong
  • He's always right.
  • He knwos mreo about God than I do.
  • God looks at divorce differently for a man than for a woman.
  • Inter-racial marraige is against the bible.
  • Black people are going to hell, or white people (but msot likely black people)
  • To be afraid to live.
  • To be afraid to ask my parents anything.
  • To be afraid to tell my parents things.
  • Money is the only thing that matters

I'll add more later as life craps on.

I decided that I'd rather move out when I'm 18 and live in a crappy small apartment and work, go to colelge and study all the time and bearly be able to pay my bills than live at home and go to college, then come home and study and have to live with my parents. However there always seems to be one flaw in my plan. I DON'T HAVE A CAR.

Lake Jackson needs better public transportation . . .

Someone adopt me than can pay for two years of BC for me. x.x

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 1:48 PM:-

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Thursday, October 14, 2004::


Drousy. x.x I have a tooth ache plus i have a mouth sore TOUCHING eachother. So I puyt mecine on the mouth sore and i dind't have any main medicine beside Midol that works on me so I took it, now i'm really sleepy. Nathan's phone's not working. >.< Gaaar. Sleepy...must... Zzz.....zz...zz...zzZzz...zz

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 9:46 PM:-

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Monday, October 11, 2004::

Happy Happy Happy

So, really, all I do is complain all the time. Not that that matters, except I guess it matters to the people who complain about other people complaining. Hmm.

Anyways, I'm going to try to skip all the crap about today and go onto the good stuff . . .

Well, today was a BEAUTIFUL day, and that is not sarcasm. It was amazing outside, I think it's crazy that everytime the weather is great all my friends sit inside for lunch. And on all the horrible days they sit outside. ??? But today was a beautiful day.

Also, both Jenny and Aaron are skipping Oni-con to come to my brithday ^_^ awesome awesome! Of course Sam is still going to Oni-con. So far D'Mari has "officially" RSVPed. You can RSVP in person too, but just tell me "I'm RSVPing right now!" or something... yeah. Oct 23...

If you didn't get invited, I'm sorry! Actually i still havn't given out all of my invitations . . . 'cause I left the rest at home . . .
Yeah, it really hurts me when I can't invite some people. But I'm too poor and not using my own hosue to say "anybody can come" Geeeez.

With that and thansk you Benf or giving me a ride home today, I have no other good things. If you know of some please tell me.

Oh yeah, and the joy of the Lord and all, you know all the frustration I have now? Would probably be doubled if not for Him. :p

That and I've been lacking in my church-going and praying areas . . . maybe my frustration would ease if I did that, but hey, I'm human, and stupid.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 6:11 PM:-

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Friday, October 08, 2004::

Your just a Dead Bunny

Today I've been having panic attacks, and a few minutes ago my eye brow was twitching massivly.

Basically today my dad told me that I havn't done crap.

I'm not talking to him anymore anymore than I have to.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 9:22 PM:-

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Thursday, October 07, 2004::

For Help

Today I am actually conflicting about moving out right when I turn 18. Just packing and leaving on my birthday, not mentioning to my parents or anything.
I thought about it, I figured it up, I don't think I'd be able to afford it. I'll have to see about what happens when i'm around 18.

I've decided after my birthday that I'm not going to ask my parents for antyhing.

I'll stop asking them for rides, if I can't get a ride I'll just not go. No Fall Retreat, I won't get to go to summer camp anyways, no Christmas presents, no asking for money, nothing.

Somebody adopt me, why can't kids put themselves up for adoption? Why am I property?

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 9:39 PM:-

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Tuesday, October 05, 2004::

Weekend and School

So I'm due for a post, Nathan came down this weekend. Awesomness. I wish he could stay longer, I'm deprived of physical comfort c(: . We hung out with Sara and Mark on Friday and I saw a minute of Robert and Bonnie. Saturday was just me and Nathan ahnging out, and Sunday was church followed by lunch, followed by Nathan taking me home before he left back for LeTourneau.
Sunday I was a procastinator and worked a bit on my project that is due Tuesday (or today). So I kind of slacke don it, and didn't really work hard on it until Monday afternoon when I could get a printer with ink in it.

ANYWAYS, needless to say I was up real late, and still never finnished it. So I didn't eat lunch today to work on it, and still enver got finnished. So I was asleep in school today and hungry. My own fault, btu still frustrating. Thank God tomrorow is an A day! x.x

But on the good side, Nathan sent me this, and me and Sam had a fun time dancing to this at school:


Things Dad's Teach Us

Today my dad has taught me that money is the only thing that matters, and that love never lasts forever.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 9:07 PM:-

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