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Weblog Entries:

Sunday, August 31, 2003::

I'm frightened.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 10:18 PM:-

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Ok...i took took it... and instead of going to hell...LOOK...i made it to Heaven. *happy*

The Dante's Inferno Test has sent you to Purgatory!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very High
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Moderate
Level 2 (Lustful)Very Low
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Low
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Moderate
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Moderate
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Very Low
Level 7 (Violent)Moderate
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Low
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Very Low

Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 10:13 PM:-

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Hey look... I have problems XD

Borderline:Very High
Avoidant:Very High
Dependent:Very High

-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 10:04 PM:-

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Previous Life Meme by quill18
Zodiac Sign:
Favorite Colour:
Last Life:Scientist
Attendants at Funeral:92
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 9:53 PM:-

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What Is Your Battle Cry?

Hark! Who is that, striding over the fields! It is Dawnwake, hands clutching a burning branch! She screams gutterally:

"Ares, God of War, be praised! I slice through beating hearts like a sentient bulldozer!"

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 9:49 PM:-

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Today was prettygreat. It didn't start out that way, though. I was really sad this morning, but i felt so comforted when I was by Nathan even though I couldn't stop crying. He comforted me and toko care of me and he made me feel so much better. He didn't even need to speak to make me feel that way.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 9:49 PM:-

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Saturday, August 30, 2003::

Well, Crap.

Anyway . . . Have a comment spree and feel free to pretend interest yourself in my new logo.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 10:47 PM:-

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My computer should have been shot 30 minutes ago . . . but luckily for it . . . It started working again.

WELL, I'm slowly but surly RECOVERING from my computers recent DEATH. But yes. I revived it to a new born (FREAKING) baby computer that I have to teach (load programs) so we can under stand eachther (be worth my time).

So, since my computer was "reborn", my computer's name is now Ana-umm..Ana-er.. Anastatius! "Stat" for short because "Ana" sucks and my comptuer is obviously a guy. pfff. I had evidence from before that my old computer (what was his name again?--ahh can't remember) was in fact, a guy. But that he was gay. That's right. A gay computer. What has the world come to?

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 2:23 PM:-

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Thursday, August 28, 2003::

You represent... angst.
You represent... angst.

What feeling do you represent?
brought to you by Quizilla

Interesting o_O

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 6:41 PM:-

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Monday, August 25, 2003::

School is slowly deteriorating for me. I'm stuffing all emotions as far back as I can. I just come to school. I'm not sure why. Today in English 2 PAP we had to make up a story to this picture and we had to get in groups. Well . . . no one chose to be with me so I was the only one all alone. I came up with a pretty good story too, but once people start telling their story in front of the class my heart started beating pretty hard and I didn't want to go up there 'cause i was scared I was going to have an anxiety attack. So I didn't go. And I don't think she's noticed . . . yet.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 5:05 PM:-

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We give you a month tops, after which you'll be a complete ddr burnout and will have sworn off the game totally, or you will be your local arcade's Cata Maestro.

Are you overly obsessed with Dance Dance Revolution?

Created by ptocheia

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 4:54 PM:-

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I am Erin.

Which Untitled! Character are you?


-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 4:26 PM:-

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I'm in webmastering. Wooha

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 11:34 AM:-

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Sunday, August 24, 2003::

The Par-tay

The Partry was really cool and I had lots of fun. the Pictures on Sara's Blog Are pretty spiffy. I've seen some frightening ones of poeple too, she didn't post. Lots of food and fun.

Although I was highly disapointed with Ross. I really don't mind that he doens't like DDR, I never meant any of my comments like that. But I think he really hurt Robert which his foolish remark, he doens't even know Robert. And he doesn't know me anymore. And he's always saying how I hate life and how I hate everyone, as if no one can ever change themself, and if we were close in talking at ALL without geting into a stupid arguement over misunderstandings he would learn that I don't hate life and I don't hate anyone. Then I got to thinking about it and I thought maybe I only hate Ross, like even over Sam. But . . . then I thought again and I don't hate Ross at all, because I still feel hope for him to stop being so angry. I'm just highly disapointed in him. Highly. I was trying to prove that he hated more people then I do cause he did say " I HATE YOU!!! " I a lot at the par-tay. Even if he's kidding he shouldn't say it. I was trying to tell him he should say 2 things positive about Robert because before...he said for every negative thing he says he should say 2 more positive things. And, well, he failed. And even if he came to realize he was wrong, I don't want his apology, I just want him to check himself.
And I was pretty bothered by it. I hate crying. I should have taken my medicine. CRAP stuff but if it keeps me from getting upset over petty stuff, it's better than nothing.

Well. The party was really fun. We need to have big things that like more often. It was kewl.

Well, I'm out. Feel free to comment, people. Feel free to insult me, Ross.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 4:37 PM:-

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Thursday, August 21, 2003::

"The road i've traveled on, has been paved with good intentions."

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 8:27 PM:-

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Delirium, the youngest of The Endless, you are the keeper of insanity, delusion and everything else that's just plain crazy. You make about as much sense as fish and telephone flavored ic
Delirium, the youngest of The Endless, you are the
keeper of insanity, delusion and everything
else that's just plain crazy. You make about as
much sense as fish and telephone flavored ice
cream. You are truly your own person, and the
fact that your eyes don't match, your hair is
three different colors, and you have a floating
fish following you doesn't bother you any. You
have a truly unique perspective on the world,
and no one else knows what to think about it.

Which Endless are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

XD Wooow

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 6:09 PM:-

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So goth you're dead!
You are every goth-kids dream!

Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Why do i always get the gothics? Really now.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 5:56 PM:-

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I found my song i wrote a long time ago! I had written it down! yay! (and i altered it) I will explain the video

"No Shoes, No Shirt, No Service"

[music plays in the begginning]"What's up with these communist
Going 'round the world screaming
"No shoes, no shirt, NO SERVICE!"
Well, I've got news for them
I think they've got it up-side-down
But whatever
There's always one way around the rules
"No shoes, no shirt, no service"
But at least there's one thing I don't have to wear...(ha-ha-ha-ha-HA)
"Look, Mommy! Dat mans not wearing any pants!"
"Oh my God!"
No Pants! No Pants! (duhnuhnuhnuhnuhnuhnuhnuh...)
No Pants! No Pants! (dunnuhnuhnuhnuhnuhnuh)(hahaha)

So you see, there really no justice for the poor man
Who walks around this world with no shoes on his bear feet
He can't find a shirt size XXX times two
But as for me, I've got you beat
Now what do ya have, TO SAY TO THAT?
No pants! No pants! No Pant! No Pants! (Dunnuhnuhnuhnuhnuhnuhnuh)
No pants! No pants! No Pant! No Pants! (Dunnuhnuhnuhnuhnuhnuhnuh)
Look at me now, I'm standing still
"Is there a draft in here?"
No pants! No Pants! (Nananananana-nananananahnah-dunuhananananahnah)
No pants! No pants! No Pants No Pants! NO PANTS!"


VIDEO (if there was one): A poor old man walks into a store to buy some bread but the (Evil) clerk points to the sign "no shoes, no shirt no service" (indicating the poor old man has no shoes) so he walks away and up steps Big Jim, who's there to pay for some candy bars, dohnuts, a pie and...oh yes, a sli, fast bar. He's really fat and sweaty and he doens't have a shirt on. so once again the (evil) annoyed cerk points again to the sign and the fat man leaves all his precious food behind and sulks away. But the store doors burts open and show [camra view=head] the guys head [camra changes] guy has shirt, [camra changes] guy has shoes [camra change to little girl and mom] "Look Mommy, dat mans not wearing any pants!" "Oh my God!" [camra backs up to show full picture] man is in boxers through the store with a giant grin on his face. [camra changes to the band] and in the end it shows the poor old man and the Big Jim outside the store on a bench sulking and the guy comes out with his food and the clerk is yelling at him (guy is not listening and walks away) clerk has annoyed look...walks voer to the sign outside the store and adds "No pants" to the sign in big red marker. yum.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 5:06 PM:-

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Wednesday, August 20, 2003::

My dreams are driving me insane. I've been having dreams . . . things attacking me, my dying, worldy things. I really think something's wrong. A few nights ago I had a dream . . . I was in church and there's people like Pastor Alan there, in his usual happy self. His kids , things are pretty normal except the way the place is laid-out. The building was different. I was talking to some of the people in my youth group that are always way-out for God, they've got it going on. ya know? And, it was a demon, that's all I know it was, I don't know what it looked like, it came up through the floor and the floor came with it and they were frozen practically standing up in air. It had gotten the people that are so in touch with God. That's what ran through my mind. And I was thinking "How am I suppose to get through this? Am I as good as Them?" and it came after me. Chased me outside through a parking lot. I'd had little things attack me in dreams before but this demon was BIG . . . It was no depression or stress or worldlyness. I was so terrified. I did all i could. I protected my sibelings. I leaned over them to cover them and prayed and begged with God. and then we had time to run for it. We ran . . . into this shabby apartment building. I banged on this door for these people's help and this huge rat, obviously not your nomral rat, came form udner the door and I was fighting it back with a fork. Yes, a fork, and eventually i stabbed it through the head/mouth/throat and it was still alive and i was trying to situate this giant two-tonged fork thing that was much longer and sharper but i was having difficulty in my dream handling it and i woke up. I think things are attacking me while I sleep. It's not cool.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 9:26 PM:-

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Sorry Sara, I wasn't trying to be dramatic. I wasn't angry because You and Ross had fun. I was disapointed because Ross wanted to "give everyone else up". And I know me and Nathan are together a lot. And I've asked Nathan before if we can get a group together before and like everytime you're with Russell or something etc etc. And I wish a lot that I was more involved, even though sometimes I can't because my parents, and I wish sometimes Nathan wouldn't freak out and get stressed over what I can't do trying to work things out because it pressures me more. But anyway, i'll be at the party. I'll ask about spending the night, Sara. That's cool. And it Is going to be more hard to do things. I don't do things on school days. Usually I'm all free from Friday afternoon to all day Saturday and Sunday afternoon.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 9:17 PM:-

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Sunday, August 17, 2003::

QUOTE: (from Ross's Blog)

me and Sara really should give everyone else up and just hang out with Russell and his friends, cause they're soo much cooler than dylan and others. lol. they actually do stuff.

Not that I take it seriously that you would. But that's really crappy of you. Thanks a lot.
Aside from D'Mari you guys are all I got. I'd be sadder then hell if you guys decided to "give everyone else up" because we're "not cool enough" for you. wow. That's crap. But it's not like I matter anyway. People only invite me places because Nathan's in the group, right? I'm just kinda there to tolerate. heh.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 8:11 PM:-

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Saturday, August 16, 2003::

My sister Amanda is down. Well, she's my half-sister, that is. but that doesn't matter. Anyway. Well, after a whole day of visiting relatives we came home. And I invited Nathan to dinner and afterwards my mom was going to take us to my aunts house so Paul could stay the night, she and Andi (her nickname) could visit and most importantly Me and Nathan (and becca..) could see the puppies!!!! The thing is . . . if my mom gets a job . . . i get a puppy. YAY! And my dad says to get the fat one. And so far . . . I've been calling it Fatty. Not intentionally naming it, just calling it fatty. But everyone thinks (or at least Paul and Becca and Cole and Nathan) think that should be her name. Congradulations Sara. The puppy's named after you. lol

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 9:22 PM:-

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Friday, August 15, 2003::

Oh. Skl00 makes me sad. I don't like any of my classes. Or yet, I don't even have firends in ANY of my classes except Theatre Arts. This is going to be a rough year for me. Over the summer i was like "ohh...relief...relax...lazy...skl00, what was that? I wanna major in psychology! Ohhh" and NOW i ONCE AGAIN realize why I wanted to much to quit skl00 last year and the 8th grade to become a hobo. A bum. Heh. Bummer.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 8:23 PM:-

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Thursday, August 14, 2003::

Well SKL00 is back in session and here's my schedual . . .


W Hisotry Adv.Mr. Ryan212B
GeometryMrs. Brunett226C
IPCMr. Hobbs135D
Spanish 2Mr. Boe205A


Team SportsMrs. ArringtonJV Gym
Web MasteringMrs. Hubert119C
English 2 PAPMrs. Hines104A
English 2 PAPMrs. Hines104A
Theatre Arts 2Mr. White/td>308

So far...skl00 really SUCKS.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 8:38 PM:-

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Wednesday, August 13, 2003::

Music soothes me nerves. My how i'm now depressed. I wish people could take a @#$!ing joke. Just the kind of additude i need to have now that shcools about to start back up. Or maybe my medicine's worn off. I don't know. *killing spree*

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 12:30 AM:-

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Tuesday, August 12, 2003::


Er. Yeah... my computer died. So I had to reinstall windows...so it's taking me a while to get everything back. I miss my music. It makes me sad. *sob*

Yeah. Everything. GONE. My pictures my writings, my poetry, my music, my well...life. It makes me really truely sad. I had no chance to back it up. I can now only hope for a puppy. Speaking of puppies . . . my aunt's yellow lab, Grace, had her first litter of puppies. 7 of them. 1 boy and 6 girls. They're soooo cute. I'll show you pictures. (sorry to all my friends who this is all I've talked about lately but...I REALLY want a puppy)

^The boy puppy^

All 6 of the girl puppies.

I want one pretty bad. They're about a week old. I don't think I'm going to get one though. heh... :'(

"Do YOU know the minimuffin-man

I need money. Bad.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 11:16 PM:-

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Saturday, August 09, 2003::

Sorry I've been a bit low, guys. It's with the sklooness and everything starting up in a week. Skloo always brings me pain.

I suggest to everyone highly these two webcomics that if you don't own them or aren't already obsessed... read them now...:

UNTITLED- A furry comic that everyone should read. I fell in love with this comic from the very beginning. If you havn't read Untitled, you've read nothing worth reading.
CTRL+ALT+DEL- Ctrl+Alt+Del's pretty freaking hilarious. But probably not for everyone being the strong language and all. but if you can get past that barrier, these video game addicts and their l337ness will keep you rolling.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 9:37 PM:-

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Wednesday, August 06, 2003::

In the saddness of the moment I took time to write a song as I sometimes do when the feeling is right. You might not hear my voice but the words in itself should be enough.

"I Fall"

And I fall
Down on my knees
And I sway
Encapted by the breezes of my ways
And I fall
Unto the ground again, oh, I notice my mistakes
But this time when I fall, I won't get up again.

And the world will sigh it's sigh of grief
For the pain that was so very long
Has come to and end, but with such of a price
Of a life that was jaded and torn down

And I'll sing unto the sky,
From so far below that it can't feel my breath
I sing

And I fall
Down on my knees, oh
And I sway
Trapped and not am free, oh, I am not free..
And I fall
Unto the ground again, and oh yes, I noticed my mistakes
But this time when I fall, I won't get up again.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 7:51 PM:-

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There's something I've always wanted to do, eh? OD and then die?

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 7:11 PM:-

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I can never do anything right, SAY anythign right even. No one's ever satasfied. Never. Nothing's not enough and everything's too much. Maybe I'm the one not satasfied. But if that's so . . . I already see my life of unsatasfaction. Never quenched. But can't put and end to the sufferage either. I'm sick and tired and all I can do is try to quench other people's lives and hope for me own.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 6:50 PM:-

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The Astros Game

Well, last night I went with my friend D'Mari up to Houston for a baseball game with her mom and dad and her boyfriend, Hunter. Now, let me point out that I have absolutly no interest whatsoever in baseball, BUT, I don't spend too much time with D'Mari and I thought it'd be cool to go anyway. Well . . . first it was the hour drive up to Houston from our petty little Brazoria County. It was interesting because I never really go that far into Houston. Well . . . we were going to stay at the Galaria for about 30 minutes (just me, DD, and Hunter) I' never been there ebfore. As far as I knew it was just a mall in Houston. We got there and her mom dropped us off by The Cheesecake Factory. Interesting enough . . . of course, I have no money so I'm not interested in buying anything. Let me tell you this mall is HUGE I feel like we went up 5 escalaters. and there were still floors above that. It was very nice. Made me wish I was rich beyond reason.

Anyway, after that we left, picked up D'Mari's dad form his work place and got a bite to eat at McDonalds, then we were off to the ball game. Well, her parents had bought us $1 tickets so, yeah, we had seats WAAAAAAAAY up. Which, was kind of cool, I didn't care about the game anyway. Well, D'Mari's parents said we didn't have to stay there, we could wander around the shopps and get what we wanted since D'Mari had money her Uncle gave her and all we have to do is keep the cellphone. Well we wandered around. It was pretty fun. of course we litterally kept going in circles and my feet were pretty tired, but not as tired as they WOULD be . . . if i didn't jump around all the time in my room. WELL, Hunter went to use the restroom and me and D'Mari were going to the kids play area thing, cause, ya know, we're little kids at heart. Well we walk in and this man stops us and says "You can't come in unless you have a parent with you" Haha...we need a parent with us? US? This guy won't let us in the little kids area unless we have a parent? Geez. and of course the sign said when we got out "ages 6-14" and D'MAri goes "Ha! I can go in but you guys can't!" D'Mari being 14, me being 15 and Hunter being 16.
Then later, DD was drolling over some little child and such and she was all

D'Mari: "I wanna keep him!"

Hunter: "Stop mollesting the children, DD"

DD: "I'm nooooooot"

Hunter: "Sure you are"

D'Mari: *whiiiiine* "I wanna be his mommy"

Me: "DD, you can't have babies 'til you're 13!"

D'Mari: "Hey I'm 14! Lets go!"

Then we cackled a lot.

yeah . . . well then we went and found ourselfs some *better* seats...though sitll at the very top. We ended up sitting right below these two guys that were drinking beer and as they were talking they were spitting beer on us...and i smelt like beer. It was gross. So we moved tot he front of the row. At this point we noted the actual game, it was about the beginning of the 5th inning. It was the HOUSTON ASTROS vs the NEW YORK METS, so of course, Astros were losing horribly with the score of 1/10. Pretty sad. What was sadder was al the men cursing when the other team made a homerun or even made it to base. Well we ended up sitting next to this one guy who was drinking SOME sort of alcoholic beverage. I'm not sure if that's what made him talkative, he sounded pretty sober to me.
I'm not one for talking freely to grown male strangers but hey, he started it. Besides, if something happened, Hunter was 2 times taller than him (Hunter's a big guy). Well, the man started out he said "I bet you wear a size 5" (he was indicating my feet) and, after having him repeat it cause it was loud in there, i said "yeah, they are" . . . then he was comparing my feet to his... he wore a size 16. then he goes "oh, she has little feet too!" (to DD) and he asked Hunter what shoe size he worer, he wore 15s...so we started talking about shoes and feet...then Hunter and him started talking about Football and Track and Wrestling and other sports. It was more interesting than the game anyway. Well after a bit, DD's mom called and we had to meet her down by the play area cause we were leaving. We said goodbye to him and started leaving and he followed us. It was slightly creepy but he seemed friendly enough. He talked to Hunter more as we walked then he walked away...and came back and said "I have a gift for you" of course he was reaching in some folwer and I was a little curious and he handed Hunter 2 free tickets to another baseball game on the 27th and he left. It was pretty cool. 2 tickets just for talking to a guy about feet and sports. Well . . . of course the 27th is on a school night, so Hunter plans on giving them to his parents. Which is nice.

And today, I plan on going to the library to check out a book. The End. XD

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 12:57 PM:-

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Sunday, August 03, 2003::

Here's some camp pictures . . .

Here's Nathan in the Oasis room before departing for Discovery Camp
Here's Emily (Nathan's little sister), and Nattalie (Emily's friend) before departure.

And there's me and Nathan in the Oasis room. I printed this one and stuck it in a picture frame. I wish i had a better one of us, though . . . one where i don't look as crappy.

Woo! Departure. We're on our way to camp . . . and here's Nathan! (half my pictures are of him)

The chartered bus was very comfortable . . . and all the seats looked like this. (That's the bakc of the seat in front of me). I like it!

And this is room #1 in the girls dorm i'm in. And some of the girls in my dorm as well.

I took a picture of myself. Oh, and I have a top bunk too. Lovely.

I was bored so (from the top bunk) I zoomed in on my shoes which were on the floor beside the bed.

At Camp, me and Nathan met our doubles. Strangly enough they look almost just like us. Although Kaleb looks a lot more like Nathan than Erickah looks like me. They stalked us a lot and people were always mistaking us for them. Erickah and Kaleb are form Lousisana. They're "datng" too, except he's 17 and she's 13. They talked a lot too.


It was dark in the serice so It was hard ot get a picture . . . but here's the after-dinner service.

Another picture of the service.

I caught this dude asleep in the morning service, so I took a picture of him.

It's a little blurry but the Youth Pastor sat in the dudes lap to wake him up and is holding up his head (and waving at my camra). It would have turned out better but I was laughing.

Croud in the Prayer Garden

This was the cutest little baby EVER. You can't see it but this little baby has the bluest eyes. Oooh..he's so cute! I wanted to pet him. But Alas, i couldn't . . . so I took a picture.

Me on the bus-ride home.

Me again...

The end.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 5:58 PM:-

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The reason it's taking me so long to blog is...that i REALLy don't want to get into all the detials about camp. In basic words . . .

Camp was truly amazing. (dispite the crappy food and the killer ants and the lack of shade) A whole week with God was something I needed.

Well . . . I think I can rant I suppose. School's starting up soon (UGH). And It doens't look like it's going to be pretty. For school clothes i got 2 pairs of jeans, 1 shirt, 1 other pair of kaki pants, and a backpack with wheels. I didn't even get shoes. cause the shoes i had to choose form are crap.

We have no money. This sucks. I mean really. There's practically no food in this house. We don't even have ramen noodles anymore. All we have is bread and cheese. When I got back form spending the night at D'Mari's house . . . i was gettign ready to go shcool clothes shopping and my dad told (yelled at) my mom that we couldn't buy anything because we don't have any money. Great. No clothes. I'll look like crap . . . but that's allright. Then he said my mom only gets $100 to spend on 2 weeks of groceries. $100 doesn't even buy 1 weeks worth of grocieries. THEN he goes "Oh...no, you don't HAVE $100 for grocieries because subtract $35 for Amy's yearbook, and about $8 for dr. peppers" and so basically we don't have any money for food. And what's worse my mom's been starving herself so we can have as much foodleft as possible. She hadn't eaten anything today except the one cookie Becca brought home and she had Dr. peppers. She threw it all up because she got sick from lack of food and she was shaking. THEN my dad said we could have $100 each for Dillards and $100 each for Sears. I've even been feeling the lack of food. I mean . . . usually when i say there's no food...i mean there's no food i can grab right then and eat. But we don't even have food you can cook. I'm not starving as much as the rest of my house though . . . sometimes i eat at Nathan's and that's one less mouth for my mom to feed and yet my mouth gets fed. heh.

It's pretty annoying when my dad says "no...you can't do anything, you can't spend any money" and then whenever he's hungry he wants food. ?????? GARH. I'm all for my mom getting a job. But I also think my dad could help out be using positive renforcement and trying to understand. But he doesn't. He just yells at her to get a job. She's depressed enough as is and his yelling kinda takes the energy out of getting a job. But he doens't know anything about the human mind.

On a possibly happier note . . . my sister Amanda, Mandy, Andi...whatever her name is now...is coming to stay with us next week. She's going to be 24 this November. I guess it's pretty exciting in a way because I havn't seen her in 6 years. But it's also going to be another mouth to feed and someone i have to share my bed with. It's almost like sharing a bed with a stranger ... only not. and I have no idea what she expects when she comes here and I have no idea what to expect from her. I hope she doesn't want my life story.

And happy Birthday to Lindsay and Glenn and all the peopel born August 2nd. Church in the morning. I should go now.

The NeverEnding End

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 1:57 AM:-

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