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Weblog Entries:

Thursday, December 30, 2004::

Of Faith and faith


My doggie, who's name is Faith, got hit by a truck sunday. Don't worry she's alive, but she has a broken leg. The vet wasn't open Sunday so we had to wait until Monday to get her to the vet. They X-rayed her and confirmed that her leg was, indeed, broken. Left femur bone to be exact. And she would need surgury to reposition the bone and place a pin in to keep it together. It was my dog, and I wasn't going to put her down just because of a broken leg. So I offered to pay for it. It was asbout $520 in all. She stayed a totoal of 3 days in the vet under hospitalization because of the surgury and because she was running a fever. Now she's home and has anti-biotics plus some pain medication. Now the task is to keep her still and keeping her to ripping off the splint and keeping it dry. She also has an odd sore on the top of her leg around her hip that I noticed from when she came home form the vet but it was clotted over. But she started licking it now it's an open sore, I cleaned it with pet abrasion medication and put a bandage on it but she pulled iy off. *sigh* Alas, eh? Anyways, now that I have over $2,000 in my savings, I get to pay for my class ring, and some other stuff that my dad will remburses me on. and with the rest I get to buy a car. w00t. Anyhow. I'm itchy and waiting for Nathan to come over. On a happy note...


Oh. my. gosh. It snowed. If you hvan't read it anywhere else, or don't live where I do, It snowed 6 inches in South Eastern Texas. To get an idea of how incredible this is... basically...it's never done that before, ok? Like, last time it snowed I was in kindergaurden and have the chicken pox and it snowed like...3 flakes. W00! But yes, Christmas Eve it snowed 6 freakin' inches! I didn't even ask for that this year, I didn't even consider it. You know some little kids were really blessed by it. (and some not so little kids)
I'm going to keep this post as short as possible, I've been meaning to post about all thisa while, but I've been very busy. Anyways, here's a couple photos or so to give you a visial.

Me pointing at my brother. POINT!

Stepping into 6 inches of snow for the first time ever...wow.

Snow ball fight! My mom's throwing a snowball. hee. c(:

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 6:57 PM:-

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Sunday, December 26, 2004::

My dog got hit by a truck :(

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 4:27 PM:-

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Friday, December 24, 2004::


-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 10:31 PM:-

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Thursday, December 23, 2004::

high-heels'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">high-heels'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">high-heels'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">high-heels.jpg" border="0" alt="White high-heels!">
White high-heels! You're caring and feminine, I'm
sure you're a great mother or you will become a
great one!

..:What kind of Anime Shoes would you wear?:.. ( Girls only & Anime Pictures )
brought to you by Quizilla

On this one I got the same thing as Jenny....

Water! You're a very sensitive person who can
almost smell it when someone around you feel
bad. Maybe you're a dreamer but you always care
for your friends and family! Great, your
element is Water!

..:Which of the 4 Elements is yours?:.. ( Anime Pictures )
brought to you by Quizilla


..:What type of girl are you?:.. ( Anime Pictures )
brought to you by Quizilla

And once again the same as Jenny...

You're like a kiss on the forehead!
Kiss on the forehead!

..: What kind of Kiss are you? :.. ( Anime Pictures )
brought to you by Quizilla

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 10:51 AM:-

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Merf. So *ahem*, I havn't blogged much lqately, yeah? Probably because blogger tends to freeze my computer, yey. and sad. It's about 9:40 am right now, usually I'm not up this early, Amy likes to sleep *yawn* But I should go over a few things

This year doesn't seem like a good Christmas, rather...it seems like an awkward one. Don't ask me why, it's got more to do with little details and intuitions than I can explain.
I still only have one Christmas present under the tree, for myself that it. THAT, however, is because I generally do all the wrapping in my house. I got Nathan a present, it's not much, I'm just hoping he'll like it.

Nathan and I went shopping the other day so that I could choose out my own Christmas present. Specifically clothes. I just ended up very depressed and decided I didn't want Christmas no more. >.< Nothing ever fits me, PLUS I'm super picky aout my clothes. As Nathan now knows...

Becca has a mysterious rash that started on her cheeks and slowly spread downward, and is also disapearihng in the same pattern. It doesn't itch, and she had some fever off and on, but she didn't ever feel bad. Oddness. So basically i played mommy all week and checked ehr out and put lotion on it and made her take a cool bath, etc.

So, Nathan is finally down! His ticket that he got cost like $260, ouch! Stupid speed traps. He's yet to put his computer back together, probably because he's always with me. I think his room needs a make over o_0 It'd be fun to design although no one either in my family or his probably has the money to do it. :p Oh, the joys of Christmas. I missed Nathan. We probably spend too much time together, one of our parents are probably going to protest soon.

Did I spell that right? Anyhoo... last night I cooked bacon! I also made Nathan a fried egg, I've enver done any of that before. And I don't even eat fried eggs. The bacon experiment was odd, it didn't look like bacon I've eaten, and I got a lot of grease burns x_o, but yeah. Some of the bacon was a little crunchy, but some of it was really good. And Nathan said his egg was "delicious", though I don't know if he meant that or not. I think I'm hungry for bacon again. geez.

Fun with Friends
So, basically I've hung out with Melissa and Nathan this winter break, since they're the only ones who accept me or I really feel comfortable around..

When do we get our report cards? I'm so anxious neverous and yet I don't want it to come.
Right before I took my English exam on the last day...well, I had to come in early because I had to leave early, which was frustrating because the test was timed. So I was digging around in my bag looking for a highlighter and my teacher was standing right in front of my desk waiting for me to be ready. And I found my mirror and it was CRACKED and I was like "NOOOooOOOoooOOooooOoo!!!!!! 7 years bad luuuuuuuuck!!!" and my teacher just stared at me like "o_0" and told me that I needed to hurry becuse i needed to take the test. I just got 7 years bad luck, right before a test! Waaaug! I don't really believe in bad luck (though you wouldn't believe the things I believed when was litte I'll explain that one day, perhaps), but just the THOUGHT of having 7 years bad luck RIGHT before an exam...someone's trying to play a little twist game on my brain. o_0

I need bacon...

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 9:35 AM:-

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Wednesday, December 22, 2004::

puppies are love
brought to you by the isLove Generator

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 2:47 PM:-

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Thursday, December 16, 2004::

The "Butterfly"

Who exactly ARE you? (AnImE PiCs)
brought to you by Quizilla

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 10:18 PM:-

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So, I made a 96 on my Government exam, I bought Nathan and my brother a present today, I just got back from a funeral, I finally got a Christmas present under the tree, I need to study for Health Science Tech exam tomorrow, my ear is exploding, and Nathan just got pulled over by a cop.

Happy December 16th everybody!

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 8:47 PM:-

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I'm freaking out. I've been studying so hard this week it isn't funny. Today I have my Government and my Anatomy exam back to back. I memorized all the court cases for Government, but I have NO IDEA how I'm going to memorize all this anatomy.


I was really distraught yesterday afternoon after taking my Chemistry exam (which i also studied vigorously for), So afer studying Government I took an hour nap, but whne I woke up I didn't really feel any better. I was sleepy, everythign was blurry, and I couldn't get focused on my Anatomy work. I finally got focused and was up until 11pm. (Doesn't seem long, right? but If you study too much you DIE, woo. Plus, sleep is also important for Exams...)

Sleep, yeah, that didn't come, I assume that had to do with my nap. I was anxious and was rolling around a lot. And once i finally my got comfortable my ear like EXPLODED. So, yey ear infection, or something.

Nathan should be coming home today, I need a hug, and so does he. *tackle* squee.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 6:46 AM:-

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Sunday, December 12, 2004::

Fly By

so I've been really stressed this week, aline to start of amny blog posts.
This apst qweek I've brought my English grade up from a 40 to a 85. I was about to have a panic attack inbetween the time when I didn't know If I was going to pass the semester. I have. to. pass. I was on the verge of crying, I've done so much work this week. SO MUCH. But I brought my grade up to an 85, however then I didn't do my parody so now my grade will drop down again, hopefully not below a 70.

Exams all this coming week, I'm a little stressed because some classes I have to do good on the exam to pass them. *sigh* I just want to graduate* I shouldn't have then such strenuous classes. Next semester I'm going down to English PAP instead of AP...and if PAP is too full I'll settle for regular.

This weekend

Me and Melissa hung out a lot. I cleaned the house, I tried to fix the Christmas tree. Cleaned my room (I only have a few things left in there to do). hmmhmm.

Odd things

It really surprized me how many poeple actually read/have read my blog, seriously. (people I don't know) I get people who add me to their msn list all the time, or e-mails from random people who talk to me, or tell me they're praying for me. It's sometimes weird, but also very encouraging. If anyone here has ever sent me an e-mail and I never replied, it's because my hotmail is really horrible and doens't let me reply to e-mails. but I do read them. And I apprecaite them.

Anyway, I've been relaxing all this weekend to get away from stress. Monday's just another day but Tuesday- Friday holds exams.


-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 9:13 PM:-

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Sunday, December 05, 2004::

Holy Squee!

I got a cellphone! Talk to me and I'll tell you the number, but I'd feel weird just...displayting it online, so yeah :p


-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 9:53 AM:-

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Friday, December 03, 2004::


Well, it's Friday. Yey, I'm in the library right now at school. V.V It's only 2nd period. But at least I've done my homework today. Yup. Ugh. Well, lets see, I'm catching up on school work? This is good. Also I made commended on my English TAKS. THAT was unexpected. Holy crap. I felt like I hd completely BS'ed it because I was soooo tired by the time I got to the essay I was like...dead. Deeeaaad. Also, my and Nathan are doing better. Squee. I'm not going to explain the whole situation, because it's just not worth mentioning. So so far things are looking up, and I might possibly graduate. Wow. yey.

*hops away* glee.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 10:51 AM:-

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