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Thursday, December 30, 2004::

Of Faith and faith


My doggie, who's name is Faith, got hit by a truck sunday. Don't worry she's alive, but she has a broken leg. The vet wasn't open Sunday so we had to wait until Monday to get her to the vet. They X-rayed her and confirmed that her leg was, indeed, broken. Left femur bone to be exact. And she would need surgury to reposition the bone and place a pin in to keep it together. It was my dog, and I wasn't going to put her down just because of a broken leg. So I offered to pay for it. It was asbout $520 in all. She stayed a totoal of 3 days in the vet under hospitalization because of the surgury and because she was running a fever. Now she's home and has anti-biotics plus some pain medication. Now the task is to keep her still and keeping her to ripping off the splint and keeping it dry. She also has an odd sore on the top of her leg around her hip that I noticed from when she came home form the vet but it was clotted over. But she started licking it now it's an open sore, I cleaned it with pet abrasion medication and put a bandage on it but she pulled iy off. *sigh* Alas, eh? Anyways, now that I have over $2,000 in my savings, I get to pay for my class ring, and some other stuff that my dad will remburses me on. and with the rest I get to buy a car. w00t. Anyhow. I'm itchy and waiting for Nathan to come over. On a happy note...


Oh. my. gosh. It snowed. If you hvan't read it anywhere else, or don't live where I do, It snowed 6 inches in South Eastern Texas. To get an idea of how incredible this is... basically...it's never done that before, ok? Like, last time it snowed I was in kindergaurden and have the chicken pox and it snowed like...3 flakes. W00! But yes, Christmas Eve it snowed 6 freakin' inches! I didn't even ask for that this year, I didn't even consider it. You know some little kids were really blessed by it. (and some not so little kids)
I'm going to keep this post as short as possible, I've been meaning to post about all thisa while, but I've been very busy. Anyways, here's a couple photos or so to give you a visial.

Me pointing at my brother. POINT!

Stepping into 6 inches of snow for the first time ever...wow.

Snow ball fight! My mom's throwing a snowball. hee. c(:

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 6:57 PM:-

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