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Wednesday, July 28, 2004::

Gotta Blog

Gahh! lets se...gotta blog, gotta blog... ummm

Well this past weekend I stayed the night at Sara's and that was fun, dispite that i was sick. And the next day we went to play Lasertag and that was also a lot of fun. Even though I didn't feel good at all that day, as soon as I stepped in there, I immediately forgot how hot it was, immediately forgot how sick i felt, and immediately forgot that i coudln't hardly breathe. lol Needless to say I kicked butt! naaah. lol, well, i did, but it's probably just because i'm freakin' short o.o

And I've always wanted to be a SPY-w00t (spys are suppose to be good at that sort of stuff right?)

Anyway. i'm looking at my little sister's yearbook, and it's SO CUTE what all these little kids put in that they want to be when they grow up. One of them said they wanted to be a Power Ranger. haha, oh man.. some of them sounded really advanced for their age. in the mean time, another little kid said when he grows up he wants to be a "NINJA!"

Yes. I know, wondeful.

Well, Nathan caught a bug and he's really sick today :( I hope he gets better.

My uncle died a couple nights ago... they said that it was probably a massive heart attack, so I'm going to be up in Nachadoches all tomorrow for the viewing. Then maybe the next day for the funeral. It was really all a sudden...I mean I had just seen my aunt Jenny (who's my mom's sister) and my Uncle Don like a week or two ago. I remember I came out and sat in the living room and talked to them with my family in stuff. I remember thinking I should say hi to them and stuff because i didn't know if I'd ever see them again. (for those of you who don't know, my Aunt Jenny's been through a lot of health related stuff and neither of them were are/were in greatest of shape) So, i didn't really expect any of them to actually die :-s Geez.

On a lighter note, I'm going to the Clute pool with the church in a few minutes, D'Mari's mom is picking me up because I'm transportationless, and DD's coming too. So, yeah. Paul can watch Becca.


School's starting back up soon...oh goody. I was instantly nervous as soon as I went in for Early Buc Registration. I really can't stand being around all those people! Anyways, they messed up my schedual in the printer (not my official one though), so i'll get to be surprized as to what classes i'm taking this semester.

Hey, I'm a Junior now! W00! Only two more years!

...and then I can go to BC for two years *cry* x.O

anyway, there's your stinkin blog post :p I'd appreciate some nice comments for all these thousands of letters i've posted. :p

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 6:20 PM:-

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Monday, July 26, 2004::

Maybe I don't say this enough but I LOVE MY NATHAN :)

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 11:56 PM:-

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Friday, July 23, 2004::

New People

Ok, I've added two more people, Kayla and Lindsey, to my blog lists.  I have others I could add, but it's not like they know me/particularly care for me.  And not everyone's blog is all appropriate and stuff :-s.  But I figure it's still THEIR blog, and regardless...as long as they're not harassing people or, bad pictures, or etc, etc. they're allowed to express their own selves...

 I just kinda like putting everyone that goes to my school/I know personally on my list.  *looks at list* Yeah, most all of them know me, well...Trevor doens't know me, but he might know Of me, I might re-add Matt, also... 

Steve doens't really know me either...And I don't particularly care for Russell, and he doens't particularly care for anyone but himself o.O but it's always nice just to keep tract of him.  Make sure he hasn't killed himself or something. Other random people that know me less than I know them...like Julie, who Ross is dating.

Yeah, just a fair warning, if you don't post, you get deleted! and there's not garentee if you start up again I'll know to add you :-p

The following people need to blog, 'cause I'd hate to delete them:

Sarah (Short-One)
Abby (i might just delete her soon...)

*pokes you all to get blogging* It's not that hard, just complain about something. But please use proper spelling and not type like a n00b when complaining, 'cause then it makes me want to kill you. x.O

Much love! Sorry for this random long pointless post! Have I had those in a while?

UPDATE: I also added Emily

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 12:39 PM:-

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Thursday, July 22, 2004::

Cough, Choke

My stomache hurts.  It hurts like when I know I did something wrong and I feel really bad about it.  And it doesn't go away all day.  I know I need to set a few things straight but I'm not sure how.  And even if I did, sometimes your too scared to do it.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 7:21 PM:-

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Wednesday, July 21, 2004::


I'm still trying to cope with all the change.  I suppose outwardly I've always been pretty good with change but I just feel like my inside is building up and I'm just going to have a mental break down! I know it could be worse, they could be getting a divorce, but it's still realizing coping issues that everyone goes through is interesting.

- First off my mom got a job, that's a good thing.  We need more money and stuff but that eliminated the person who did things for us.  Not that that's bad, we need responsibility.  But it interferes with what I'm acustumed to.  It interferes with friends and normal processing.

- Along with this job came my dad having to do things for us.  Usually he comes home from work, jumps on the computer, comes out to eat, goes back to the computer, then goes to bed.  I kinda liked it that way, just because my dad has ways to make you feel like you just want to be COMPLETELY left alone.  And everytime he's gone, there is much joy (or at least more than before).  Not that he's a bad person, just that's the kind of relationship we have, and that's how he effects us.

- Next off comes the leaving for camp for 5 days and coming back to completely remodeling our bedrooms.  Now that it's almost entirly complete (only a couple little things left), I really think my room is AWESOME.  But from the moment I came back from camp I was jumped upon by new rules and demands.  No Tape! No Tacks! No food! No Drinks! No Dog! No Dust! No Mistakes!

sigh..and brb, my dad is scremaing about the dog...

Not only that but sometimes you just miss the arangement of your room . . . even if you couldn't breathe at night.

Just little things you miss.

School Ain't Cool

I'm just goign to skip you the long complaints and just say I need someone I know with a "0" Hour class next year to contact me >.<



-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 7:14 PM:-

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Tuesday, July 20, 2004::

I Beg to Differ

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 5:29 PM:-

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Sunday, July 18, 2004::

Back From Camp!

Hey guys, I'm back from camp!  I actually got back Friday (today being Sunday) but I didn't have the computer back until today because my room was being redone. It's a COMPLETELY different room. Funtastic.

Anyways lots of things happened at camp both good and bad.  But before I forget, Biggs, don't let me forget that when I'm done with this book I  got at camp, I want you to read it.  I think you'd like it and it had to dow tih something you had said once.  The Book is called The Gifts and Ministries of the Holy Spirit.

Anyhow, I'll explain how camp was later. D'Mari's over here and Nathan will be here soon, wee! Love you guys ^^ bye!

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 6:50 PM:-

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Sunday, July 11, 2004::

Blog This!

Well...I'll be at church at 11am tomorrow, and I'll be back 3pm on Friday. Love you guys!

And you know, making me pack my entire room up in boxes isn't suspicious.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 8:51 PM:-

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Leaving Turbulance

Well...I'm going to be leaving for camp tomorrow, except I'm not exactly sure what time I'm suppose to be there. I'll figure that out, shouldn't be too hard . . .

I was suppose to go to early church with Nathan this morning. My alarm went on at 8am...my brain went off again at 8:01am and Nathan never called or showed up at my house. hm.

I'm already packed for camp, 'cept for the little things here and there that I'll be using. I have a huge duffle bag and then a backpack, and that still means i need two pillows (cause i have to :p) and a sleeping bag. I dunno how I'm going to carry all this... But since 3 yrs of camp I have learned that when you want a room and you want it fast you have to run to get it and don't take all that time to find your stuff and carry it all back at once. I'll just have my kitty pillow and my backpack, along with a "DO NOT MOVE" sign. It seems that no matter where i put my stuff SOMEONE thinks there better enough than me to move it. geez. People are rude. ^_^ anyway. Smater this year, and i'm not sleeping with no overly responsible demanding girls :p


maybe this year will be mroe fun becuase I don't expect much :p

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 12:12 PM:-

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Friday, July 09, 2004::

C'mon, who could resist THAT?

[Faith, two months old]

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 2:02 AM:-

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Click here

EDIT: whoa...wrong link *fixes* ^^

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 12:50 AM:-

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Thursday, July 08, 2004::

It Hardly Matters

I actually babysat today, but i started a lot earlier than i planned. they had said 12:45pm-4pm but my mom got me up at 9 and said it was time to babysit. it turned out to be a huge misunderstanding, because between 9am-12:45pm it turned out she was just playing with Becca x_O So me and Nathan didn't get to do anything. But he was nice and stayed with me a long time, even brought them videos. It was nice.

The girls wore me out, I played with barbies, i played dress up, they attack me, i painted their fingernails, they attacked me, they attacked and ahrassed me until Nathan came and i made them sit down and watch Indian in the Cupbard.

I get $20 for that tomorrow. Now i'll have to fight the urge to spend it.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 11:39 PM:-

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Wednesday, July 07, 2004::


Me and Nathan told my dad we were going to get hamburgers...i ate at taco bell then we went and bought hambergers and made them at Nathan's. We had called my dad right after we'd gotten out of the store. Nathan ate and we went home. He assumed he had only gone to buy hamburgers and would be back in a minute. He called me deceitful :(

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 10:25 PM:-

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Babysitting Blowout

Well, here I am, 8:24 in the morning, on Wednesday. Oh, aren't I babysitting today? Well, yes, I should be. But are they here? No. When were they suppose to be here? 7:30am. What time did I wake up? 7am. How many hours of sleep did I get? aprox. 4 How much money did I get? None.


But it's really okay, becuase I love the mornings, but hardly ever see it. See? It's all pretty outside, I'm going to call Nathan and maybe we'll do something before my mom goes to work at 3pm.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 8:27 AM:-

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Tuesday, July 06, 2004::

Oh, btw

I did absolutly nothing for the 4th of July and I don't care :-p

EDIT: and apearently I have a profile. w00t This thing

I've been too lazy to put a link on my blog...

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 1:15 AM:-

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Well...I got a job. I'm now going to be babysitting my sister's friend some days of the week. It all depends on her dad's schedual. So it'll be all weird. But I'll be getting paid $20 a day. Which even if it's only 2 hours, I'll probably deserve, cause those two girls hardly get along at all. lol. they're so crazy. and annoying a lot of the time...

anyway, money will be good for me for camp and stuff.


Camp is in a week...I'll be gone from the 12th to the 16th. I dunno how fun it's going to be. Last year it was okay. The ministry was great...but the rest of it was blah... it was either raining constantly or the heat was frying you under the lack of shade or the fire ants were developing newer technologys to try and attack your face, or back, or legs, or feet. Not to mention, the food sucked, and last year i had no female friends and got stuck in the "big kids" room with nathan's sister and her friends (Lindsay's) and of course they had to be all responsible and go to bed EARLY x_O what's the fun in that? and what's up with their facination with cleanliness...i don't mind not showering for a couple days... (Nathan'll tell ya, i bearly sweat :p) plus the shower was always occupied, geez. So last year i had my medicine that everyone always heard me complaining about. I mostly took my medicine while there, near the end I just gave up and started flushing it though. Also this year i hope they don't let me fall asleep in my sleeping bag, don't realize i'm there and leave me, lol.

This year I'll have Emily but i'm sure she'll be with her friends a lot, I dunno if i can handle too many 13 yr old girls. So I'll probably sleep a lot, maybe doodle, read the bible, sleep more to keep from crying in boredness, ride some horses, ride some go-carts, eat food, ,maybe poke at my brother (he's going this year) ((13 yr old boys aren't much better))

I'm going to be really amused when the girls in my grade start feeling "sorry for me" and start asking me to hang out with them. Which, one, I don't like being pitied, and I don't really wanna hang out with them, lol. There's a thing called being "overly responsible therefore boring" and stuff...plus i'd just be in the background and i'd rather be doing something on my own in the background than trying to fit in in the background. ha. they don't mix with my personality well.


the first time I went to the Fall retreat is was AMAZING, i loved it...then the first time I went to Summer camp it was also spiritually awesome. But then Fall Retreat rolled around again last year and I had a negative attitude the entire time, I was pissy and even snapped at the councelors (one of them happned to be Nathan's mom), i also snapped at the stupid boys that kept trowing a football while i was trying to sleep, etc. everything was just going bad. Not to mention my wrist was in the brace thing cause it was acting up. I believe I also refused to take my medicine. And i was zoned out durring the ministry.

I don't want that to happen again...but then again, I'm nto perfect, I'm easily irritated, and my personality doens't really connect with "perfect people", etc.

I hope it goes good.

Room Repairs

My parents were repairing my ceiling and so everything's crazy and i can't really be in my room (though i am right now, the fumes are hurting me as we speak) I'll clean up the floor tomorrow when my parents go to work. Then I'll do lots of laundry, and stuff. If anyone cares to, ya know, drop by just to say hi that'd be appreciated, because if not, my only company is a 7yr old and a door between me and a 13 yr old boy. yikes.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 12:33 AM:-

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Friday, July 02, 2004::


I went and saw Spider-man 2 today and all I can say right now is "Weee! ^^"

Yeah, it was really good.

Anyway, on another note. asy dogo ybe ot ym rahi! go ahead...try and figure that one out.

anyway, hopefully Kelsi and Michele can stay the night tonight, I havn't seen Kelsi all summer and I havn't had michele stay the night in...ever?

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 2:15 AM:-

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