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Sunday, January 30, 2005::


My stomach/abdomin as been feeling terrible this weekend. I have no idea why. Possibly a stomach virus? Possibly food poisoning? I havn't been running a fever, and I havn't been vomitting (though, I'm sure even if I DID have a stomache virus/food poisoning I wouldn't throw up anyways, because I just don't do that) I feel so much better than I did Saturday but I'm still very sore. I don't feel sick anywhere else, and I'm in relativly good spirits, also if I don't move much then I feel fine . . . but when I start to move around my stomch feels like death.


Saturday I went to the Houston Zoo, it was really interesting, and different for a change. There was this one deer though that I'm pretty sure was psychotic. It wouled over the the corner of the fence and just started swinging it's head ina rotating manner....for and hour. It wasn't stuck...It could have moved away...but it just kept rotating it's head. I was a bit worried. o_o
Also when we left the zoo we immediately got lost in downtown Houston. I'm impressed by all the hobos. I actually kinda had fun being lost, even though Sara didn't since she was the one driving. Also, while we were at the zoo we rode the Train which is what Sara wanted to do really bad. It was fun, and again, more hobos. heehee. A LOTS of squirrels.

Wow, I really want a job this summer, but I don't know if that's going to happen since even if I got my permit now I couldn't have a car until the END of summer. Rawr. Anyway, I should do homework, since I actually do that now. Yey for graduation this August! I'm kinda excited. But right after highschool I immediately start BC courses. Noooooooooo.....oh well, life experiemces.

Have you a good day, yeh?

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 7:54 PM:-

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Saturday, January 29, 2005::


Your Beauty lies
in Contradiction. Controversial, unpredictable, and
never what anyone expects.
You appearance and your personality are two
opposite things. Even your
appearance sends different signals to different
people. To some you may look
innocent and sweet, to others you look mysterious
and intimidating at the same
time. No one ever knows what to expect with you.
You are a little bit of
everything all mixed together. You can be watching
the football game with the
guys one minute and the next out shopping at the
mall. You seem to be almost a
different person every time you meet someone, but
at the same time you know
exactly who you are and there is always that one
thing that makes you you. You
enjoy keeping people guessing and people love how
completely unpredictable you

Some Things
That Represent You:

Fire, Water Animal: Chameleon Color:
Dark Tones, Light
Tones Song: Everything by Alanis Morriesette

Opal Mythological Creature: Gryphon,
Half-breeds Planet: Mars Hair
Red Eye Color:

"Appearances can be deceiving."

Where Does Your Beauty Lie? ..::Original Pictures Are Back! Detailed Results::..
brought to you by Quizilla

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 8:25 PM:-

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Friday, January 28, 2005::

Old Friends

Well, Monday the councelor came to my 4th period class and called me out into the hallway. I was kinda confused and was just kind of "What did I do now?" When I walked out she was standing there with this girl...and they were just staring at me, like they expected me to do something. "o.O" and finally the councelor was like asking if I rememebered her, and I finally took a closer look at the girl and I recognized her, Jamee! Jamee was my old friend from 8th grade, me and her and D'Mari were all really good friends but then she mnoved away, and now she's moved back. Well, the councelor made us, MADE US, exchange phohne numbers. lol But yeah, it was definately interesting. She came up to me after school and apologised because she didn't ask the councelor to do that and she didn't want me to think she was stalking us. o.O it was fine, ya know?

But anyhow, I don't think she really wants anything to do with me and D'Mari, I'm not sure if it's because she's embarassed, or if she just changed and we're not her type of people anymore. c(: Either way, I think she changed her route to class so she doens'r have to see us o.0. THAT'S definately odd.


Wear all your clothes day has begun, I'm going to try to wear 6 layers, but it's going to be especially hard for me becuase i'ma girl, and girls clothes are tigher...and plus girls don't want to look fat :p Of course, mine will be NOTHING compared to Ross's and Sam's 20 layers.

Melissa's going to eat lunch with me today! w00t! (she goes to the Christian school but they're off today)

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 7:05 AM:-

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Thursday, January 27, 2005::

The Sonnet

Romantic, hopeful, and composed. You are the Sonnet. Get it? Composed?

Sonnets want Love and have high ideals about it. They're conscientious people, caring & careful. You yourself have deep convictions, and you devote a lot of thought to romance and what it should be. This will frighten away most potential mates, but that's okay, because you're very choosy with your affections anyway. You'd
^o^ says:
absolutely refuse to date someone dumber than you, for instance.
Lovers who share your idealized perspective, or who are at least willing to totally throw themselves into a relationship, will be very, very happy with you. And you with them. You're already selfless and compassionate, and with the right partner, there's no doubt you can be sensual, even adventurously so.

You probably have lots of female friends, and they have a special soft spot for you. Babies do, too, at the tippy-top of their baby skulls.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 6:46 PM:-

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Tuesday, January 25, 2005::


It's all-right,
The world can be safe,
If only . . .,
One couldn't make mistakes.
Yeah, it's all-right,
Wipe your tears away,
And you said all-right,
When the world blacks out day.

You hide in the corners that hide from the day,
Can you come with me, or why will you stay?
Can you take my hand, and I'll keep you safe?
And you said all-right, but only for today.

It's all-right,
The world can be safe,
If only . . .,
One couldn't make mistakes.
Yeah, it's all-right,
Wipe your tears away,
And you said all-right,
But only for today . . .

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 8:54 PM:-

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Sunday, January 23, 2005::

The lesson of the day is that people in pain always seek out other people in pain, because they feel like they're the only people who can understand. But the people in pain can rarely help you overcome your storm, rather, they let you dwell in it as you live the lie that you're better for it because you're in a group, and not alone.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 9:56 PM:-

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Thursday, January 20, 2005::

Kolten Alexander J.

I should update on this. So my nephews name is spelt with a "K", Kolten. And the registry on the hospital website says he was 6lbs and 1 ounce. And he's 19.75 inches. He's a little yellow in the picture because he was a little jaundice, but it's okay. ^_^ Isn't he cute in his little sailor outfit? I suppose that's the price of being born to Navy parents!

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 7:49 AM:-

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Tuesday, January 18, 2005::

You scored as alternative. You're partially respected for being an individual in a conformist world yet others take you as a radical. You have no place in society because you choose not to belong there - you're the luckiest of them all, even if your parents are completely ashamed of you. Just don't take drugs ok?



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Luxurious Upper Class


What Social Status are you?
created with QuizFarm.com


-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 7:47 PM:-

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Monday, January 17, 2005::

All of my capabilities . . . I feel like there's too much that I can't do. Why do I associate myself with almost nothing, yet feel connected to so many things? I suppose it's because I know I am not strictly one thing or the other . . . I'ma combination. But that's what normal people are . . . blends. But why do I, or why does anyone . . . strive to be so different and end up the same as the rest of the world? What would you die for?

I was thinking of the quote that Matt had on his name beofre "If you have nothing to die for you have nothing to live for" But how there's so many people who wouldn't give up their life for anything, ro anyone. They're so selfish they'd have to give their own life for their own life. Which makes no sense. So they're just here,c linging to a meaningless existance, trying to "live it up". There are people who are so busy trying to "find themselves" that they don't realize that they're already who they are. There are people who care so much about what other people think, even if no one knows they're thinking like that, that they're handicapped,a nd they don't realizet that those people who would judge you . . . they're just worthless.

I'm walking down halls . . . and I have a better self-worth, not a self-pride, because pride is struck down too easy. Not a coincededness, because I know there are many poeple greater than me, but I am able to realize the people who would think against me are worthless human beings. The impacts they would make on this earth are most likely trivial, and that they truly don't know who I am.

Instead of cutting myself down today, I'll grant myself with a small list of things I'm proud of myself for...

- I grew out my fingernails without biting them
- I've been able to handle my days lately (school/dog/sibelings/dinner
- I actually cooked a good batch of toast
- I like my hair color right now
- I havn't been depressed at all
- I've been doing my homework
- I passed last semester

Of course I have to give a lot of my credit to Nathan, becuase without him some days I would just go insane with stress. Things just aren't the same anymore. I miss the 9th grade, the summer after ninth grade. Everything was just fun and free, and fast, and spontanious. But now my days are filled with responsibility and work, and soon it'll be filled with more responsibility and work. Wait until I actually have a /job/.

Geez. Things were hard, but things are better, the past disapears. Transitions are hard and long, but in the end you hardly remember the pain.

"Now that we're here, its so far away, all the struggle we thought was in vain...All the msitakes that one life contained, they all finally start to go away"

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 9:53 PM:-

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Sunday, January 16, 2005::

Welcome to Existance....

Amy's an aunt! About an hour ago my half-sister, Amanda, gave birth to a little boy named Colton Alexander Johnson. I'm sure we'll get pictures very very soon, but we won't actually be able to see him until he's old enough to travel from Maryland to Texas. He's 6 lbs 9 oz, and my sister says he has blue eyes. Although, whether that's accurate or not I can't say, seeing as all newborns eyes usually start out blue or grey until they get older and their eyes change to their perminant color. Anyhow... woopie!


-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 4:16 PM:-

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Thursday, January 13, 2005::

And I couldn't tell you

Well, my computer is half broken and this is why I havn't blogged recently. Anyway, I dpownlaoded a virus killer thing and it killed like 7 things. ha. Anyway, shcool's back--*woop-freakin-ie*.

Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust

Also, something happened today, my brother got suspended from school for writing in a paper that he wished the school would burn down. OMG, it was so stupid. School is retarded. However, he's lucky all he ahs to do is write a letter of apology, cut his hair and shave. I hate school. What a load of crap. Everyone wishes school would burn down, it's TYPICAL thought. "Yey! maybe the school will burn down that way I don't have to be around stupidity!"

Now, i understand that without school the WOULD be stupid, but that's nto whqat I mean, I mean your forced into unpleasant enviroments with people that hate you because your race, hate you because your religion, hate you because of the way you dress. Yeah, the world is like that but you are actually physically REQUIRED to be there...with all that crap! All you heaar about is sex, drugs and suicide and someone writes in his paper that he wishes the school would burn down (he never said HE was going to burn it down). So basically this is a load of crap, and I can't believe my mom was making such a big deal out of this. The shcool should be worrying about drugs and immorality, not straight A students who write soemthing insigniffigant. Whatever. I've had my rant.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 4:47 PM:-

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Wednesday, January 05, 2005::

Shirt = Trash

Appearently I just put my shirt in the trashcan,...that tells you how awake /I/ am. o_o School starts again today, oddly, I'm slightly eager to see my schedual pattern, because I'm a freak. But also, like a normal person, I'm disgusted that school is back. Ooo...pain, and suffering again! Waaah! Beh, maybe I can learn to like the pain school gives me, like the kids that study all the time, you know they have to love it. Maybe I can play a game with it, the pain and stress will be my friend...yes. And I'll laugh evil at all the people who complain. and if I fail soemthing--who the FREAK cares??

*skips away like a school girl* tralalalalalala....

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 7:02 AM:-

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Monday, January 03, 2005::

And Of 2005

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 9:57 AM:-

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