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Tuesday, March 30, 2004::


Apearently someone tried to hi-jack my browser. WHY? why would soemone want control over MY computer? People suck.
I need stuff to protect me but I'm poor x_X

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 7:24 AM:-

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Monday, March 29, 2004::


Through all these months I've had my blog and read other people's blogs I find it irritating and funny that people leave their name when they're giving a positive comment but don't tell you who they are when they're insulting you or giving you a negative comment. Oh, and that's suppose to make us feel better? ...or are they just to wimpy to stand up for what they believe?

I know sometimes people don't like to be thought of negativly. But I'll understand if someone has a problem with me and EXPLAINS why and in a non-threatening way so I can explain back to them what's really going on or fix it.

TIPS from blogs that I've seen (not nessisarily mine)

1. threats don't make people change
2. insults don't make people change even more
3. they just show how imature you are

in my mind, imature people don't deserve to breed. And I'm not saying people who have fun. Having fun and joking around isn't imature unless it's hurting someone.

things of imaturity

1. threatening to physically harm someone
2. needless insults to make someone feel bad about themselves and to make you feel tough
3. people who cut down, terrorize or otherwise argue stupidly against other people's spiritual beliefs.
4. all coinceded people who are stuck on theirselves.
5. people who are biased and prejudice against a specific group/people.
6. people who are sluts, whores, pimps or think that teenage pregnancy is a GOOD thing, or think that teenage pregnancy is a bad thing and ingage themselves in pre-marital sex, perverts (this includes people who look at pr0n and people who star in pr0n). I'd also personally like to include guys that stare at womens breasts lustfully or lust after women and refer to them as "babes" or "hot" or "chicks".
7. drug adicts who partake in selling, abusing drugs ESPECIALLY to minors who will most likely grow up to live in poverty with children who don't understand why and are angry and want THEIR drugs and THEIR sex and THEIR revenge on the world all in all creating a more dangerous place for YOUR kids and MY kids to grow up safe and secure and healthy!

I guess that clears out the pop culture in general. And 8/9ths of my bus.

Also it's different if it's a past issue and you've overcome it, but I don't think that's usually the case.

If you don't understand what I'm saying and agree you most likely fit under one of those catagories.

People are wussies.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 8:21 PM:-

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School's making me feel pressured, i jsut want this year to end x_X

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 4:44 PM:-

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Sunday, March 28, 2004::

I'm nervous

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 8:48 PM:-

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Cowboy Bebop - YOUR bounty by Drusilla
How much are you worth?$188,717
Number of victims8,551
Your storyYou're an innocent little criminal. o.o
Will you be caught?Not a chance.
Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!

How much are you worth? by yaminotenshi
lj username
I would pay this much for you...$14
Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!

How much is your smile worth? by sexitechi
Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 10:23 AM:-

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Wednesday, March 24, 2004::


When I was younger I was a complete tomboy. Hated dresses, or anything pink, wouldn't brush my hair, basically I was one of the guys.
I would always have to prove myself to other guys that would look at me and be like "She can't play with us-she's a girl!", in which case, I would most likely say (hey don't take offense at my past words) "Shut up or I'll kick your ass, boy!"
On rare occasions did I ever have to physically prove myself.
Being a tomboy was fun, I didn't have to think about what I'd look pretty in, didn't have to waste 10 minutes on brushing my hair, and didn't have to stick into the stereotype of "girls play with barbies and play dressup"

Of course being a tomboy has weird sides too.

When I was in the 4th grade I had my hair cut pretty short (with bangs), I didn't shave my legs, mostly I wore pants that were cut to be made into shorts and a really long baggy shirt, I didn't nessisarily have visible female antaomy either.
Well, this day I looked like most others. Cut-off shorts and my chicken shirt, riding with my aunt my cousins and my brother to stay the night at their house while taking things from my grandma's house, so we could sale the house after she had died, and taking the stuff to my aunt's house. Well along the road, close to a large bridge, we broke down. Garah! My aunt and cousin, Jessica were busy looking at the car.

Well, the rest of us (Me, Chad, Cole and Paul) were just sitting there, and there were all these cars driving by, what else are you going to do? We stuck out our thumps like hitch-hikers seeing if someone would pull over. My aunt told us not to do that, because it was illigal, so we stopped. She went back to checking out the engine. We started it up again. After about 5 minutes a van pulls over and we all pile inside.

It was an old couple, and my aunt asked them to take up back to my house. On the way they started talking to us. The woman told us that they weren't going to stop for us, but they saw the cutest little boy in the yellow shirt and decided they just had to pull over. I chuckled inside and looked back at Cole, thinking they were talking about him. But he wasn't wearing a yellow shirt. Weird. I looked around the entire car, confused. No one else had a yellow shirt on either! Did I hear them wrong?

At that point I looked down to reveal that I was wearing my yellow chicken shirt that day. If I was capable of turning red I probably would have looked like--like...-something red...
I didn't correct them, I thought it'd just be better that way for both of us, I suppose.

Lesson: Girls will act like boys, smell like boys, and fight like boys, but they will NOT be called a boy ...or a girl ...or a woman. And if you call me sir I'm shipping you into the Army.

That is all

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 6:15 PM:-

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Monday, March 22, 2004::

Well here I am. I don't know how to say this.
The only thing I know is awkward silence.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 10:29 PM:-

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I have only one thing to say

The More and More I Go to School The More I Feel I Don't Belong

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 10:28 PM:-

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Saturday, March 20, 2004::


Yup, Jaerb, that's what I'm aiming for. My speech class has been promting us on how to write rusumes and cover letters and how to do an interview. *whipes sweat off forehead* whhew. It makes me nervous. I'm quite sure I'll do bad.

But none the less I just got back from buying interview clothes. yeah.

so...I'm going to eat now.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 1:35 PM:-

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Thursday, March 18, 2004::


I went to daycare for the first 9 years of my life. I attended in, those 9 years, two different daycares. The first one I attended from the ages of about 1-6. And then the second one from 6- to about 9 1/2 years when my sister was born and my mom quit her job. Though I have very faded memories of the first daycare, I mostly have only fond memories. Unfortunately in the summer before 1st grade, they raised their prices, and my mom took me and my brother out. Then the second one came. I remember choosing it because a girl that was in my Kindergaurden class went to that daycare.
I remmeber the first day there, I looked around for her and didn't see her. I was afraid that maybe she had moved, or maybe she was just sick. Either way I apearently wasn't finding out because I was terribly afraid to ask a random kid about her, thinking that either 1. they might not know her and think i was stupid, or 2. be really mean and just insult me. Miracalously, I actually pinpointed some people that seemed nice enough and walked over to them and asked them if they knew where Samantha was. They kinda gave me odd looks and told me she was on vacation. I said "oh" and quickly walked away. Ah, summer vacation, it's too bad she didn't stay on vacation...perminantly.
So I attended that daycare for about 3 years, and in those three years only one thing occured to me... manipulation. Apearently Sam hadn't gotten the jist of the whole friendhsip thing. And I guess I never got the jist of the whole self-esteem thing. We'd be playing, she'd want to do somehting "dangerous" (for a kid) or "against the rules" (though most were worthless), and either I would do it, orI would stand up for myself-and that's where the whole thing blew up in my face.
See, I've never been good at standing up for myself, I can always make the standing up comment, but then when they fire back it's like i'm in shock that they actually would argue/insult back.
"Chicken", "wimp", "scaredy-cat", I got called it all. And I had no reply to it, I wasn't any of those things, bu I had no way to prove it. And then the crying came, my fate, and then i'd here the all too famous "cry baby". And then I'd walk off to hide. It's as if being called names until you cry and walk off wasn't bad enough. But on many occasions they actual had the indecensy continually taunt me while I was crying. Sitting in the tunnel curled up, crying your eyes out then suddently having children surrounding both the exists and screaming in at you from both sides, taughting words, insults, mockery. And I was stuck there in the middle of it all, thr words scarring into my brain like a branding iron.
I would leave, angry, at them, but mostly at myself. I never told my mom the entire 3 years about it, I didn't want her advice, I knew what I had to do, I had to drop this friendship, it wasn't a friendship anyway, it was abuse.
I walk into the daycare I'm going to do it I walk into the room I should do it... Samantha walks up to me uh..umm.. "i'm sorry about yesterday, lets be friends" Err...okay
Failure. And the whole rpocess would repeat again. Not only that but ehr constant lies, and things to make me feel completely stupid and irrelivant. Swearing about things and then when i said "i swear-" she would say "I'm not allowed to swear" and i'd be like "But! you! just!-WHAT?" and then she'd say "I swear-" again and I'd be like "HA! I thought you weren't allowed to swear?" "ohh..uh...i am now!"
What a friend.
Fortunatly after I quit going to daycare in thr 3rd grade and we stopped having classes together, we drifted apart...for the better. She got involved with a bad crowd, I'm sure has done a ton of bad stuff. Considers herself bad, and likes it that way.

I'm glad to be away from that

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 10:08 PM:-

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Tuesday, March 16, 2004::

School's back

Yup. dred. Crazy Crazy dred.


I'm going to tell stories about my life, I think. I'll probably skip around a lot. But I suppose if you want to know me, you've got to know how I got to where I am today. You'll probably look back on my archives and find a good amount of swearing, hate, and frustration. Especially in the times when I was trying to overcome my past and the present.

I think everyone comes to those points in their life. I think everyone cracked down when they know they have to make a decision, and they know what decision they should make, but it's so hard. Switching, with all the people that have only known you one way, the lack of wanting people to feel bad. But knowing you can't be free unless some people are hurt (though not perminantly or physically)

Currently right now I'm in the best shape of my life, ever. I have a great friend named Nathan. He hangs out with me almost constantly. I have other friends that I talk to periodically, some more than others. I don't nessisarily hang out with them, though, I guess. I'm reconnected with Jesus. I don't think I ever knew him as much as I do now, and I've cleaned up a lot. I mean a lot.

So...yes, but as for now I will watch Fairly Odd Parents. ^____^

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 6:52 PM:-

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Monday, March 15, 2004::


Purple Vibes
Your Energy is Purple. You are a visionary with
unmatched intuition and spiritual
consciousness. The mystical world and
unexplainable forces fascinate you. There
resides in you a true dignity and nobility, and
others see you as a worthy leader, and loyal
friend. You are often very mature, with a deep
understanding of human nature, and you will
instinctively encourage and guide others toward
their full potential.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 4:16 PM:-

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Thursday, March 11, 2004::

Sigh...Nathan's going to be leaving for San Antonio tomorrow...and he won't be back until Sunday. That sucks, because no one else hangs out with me willingly. I'll probably just play Sims the entire time. Goodbye Spring Break. >.<

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 11:29 PM:-

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Tuesday, March 09, 2004::

Quizzy Moo

  • My #1 result for the SelectSmart.com selector, Christian Denomination Selector, is Evangelical Lutheran Church

  • My #1 result for the SelectSmart.com selector, What Kind of Name Should You Have?, is You’re an intellect - Beatrice, Christopher, Horace or Jennifer

  • My #1 result for the SelectSmart.com selector, What Personality Disorder Are You?, is Borderline Personality Disorder

  • My #1 result for the SelectSmart.com selector, Why Am I Fat?, is Nibbler

    take the quiz

  • My #1 result for the SelectSmart.com selector, Sluggy Freelance character selector, is Bun-Bun

  • My #1 result for the SelectSmart.com selector, Are You Punk Or Not?, is You Are A Punk Rocker

  • My #1 result for the SelectSmart.com selector, Lord of the Rings Character Selector, is Eowyn, Lady of the Shield-arm


    According to the SelectSmart.com Emoticon Selector, my #1 match today is Crying with happiness.
    What are you?
    Visit SelectSmart.com

    -: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 7:12 PM:-

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    Sunday, March 07, 2004::


    WHoa. I don't know what to blog about. Sorry I've been really...uh...non-blogqueen-ish lately. I've just been busy...well...having a social life. o_______o It's not hat I don't know what to blog about . . . it's just that . . . I'm lazy :p


    Ok, Yesterday I had $20 so I wanted to go to the Salvation Army and to Ross (the store) to buy clothes because, I've never been to either one before, really, so . . . I wanted to. It makes me feel hoboish. And good. So Nathan was going to take me and my dad was like "WELL....here's another $20..." and I was like "WHOa" so i gave him a hug and we headed off to Ross, since it was the furthest away. It was aprox (according to nathan's mom) 30 minutes away. So we were on our way and it was all scarey freeway and stuff for a long time. Well after 45 minutes Nathan was like "Uhh...i think we missed it..." and so we pulled off at an exit and stopped at a Jack 'n' the Box and called Nathan's mom who gave us new directions (she had mad ea mistake so, ya, we hadn't passsed it). But since we were hungry and we WERE at a Jack 'n' the Box we decided to get their two 99c tacos. So were taking the f00d to the car to eat and I looked on the ground by the car and there was a $20 and I was like "CRAP, I dropped my money!" and I was hoping I didn't drop the other $20 and that it blew away. So Nathan was lecturing me about putting things in my jacket pocket and not my pants pocket and I searched for my other $20...reached in my pants pocket and pulled out two $20 dollar bills. And then in my OTHER hand there was this other $20. And I was like "WHoa! GOD LOVES ME!" So that day I started out with $20 and ended up with $60, you you can bet I spent about ever last bit of it. I saved some for tithe of course. See, God does provide. =)


    Today was pretty darn c00l. Man I love f00d. Church was g00d. Starting fires was g00d. F00d was good. uhh....more F00d was g00d. Picking up people then watching Chicago and eating more f00d and trampoline and then going home and watching School of Rock (which was awesome), and now I'm listneing to some m00sik and talking to people online and blogging (of course). Man. I love Spring Break! And I've been goign to bed at a decent time everynight.


    Uh...yeah...they're...dead. So...use the chatterbox. That is all =^.^=

    -: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 9:57 PM:-

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    Friday, March 05, 2004::

    One More day

    to freedom!-or...Spring Break!

    *cross's fingers*

    -: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 7:01 AM:-

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    Tuesday, March 02, 2004::

    I Like F00d

    Sara's theme song?

    I like f00d and I can not lie
    You other brothers can't deny
    When I walk in with a double fatty waste
    And f00d stuffed in my face, you get crushed
    You wanna pull up truffle cause you noticed but got stuck
    Be it the jeans I'm warring now, you're sick and had to stop starring
    Saying, Oh fatty I wanna take your picture and show it to all my dawgs

    yeah I had to stop there...*twitches*

    -: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 5:42 PM:-

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    Quizzy Freelance

    you are darkslateblue

    Your dominant hue is blue, making you a good friend who people love and trust. You're good in social situations and want to fit in. Just be careful not to compromise who you are to make them happy.

    Your saturation level is medium - You're not the most decisive go-getter, but you can get a job done when it's required of you. You probably don't think the world can change for you and don't want to spend too much effort trying to force it.

    Your outlook on life can be bright or dark, depending on the situation. You are flexible and see things objectively.
    the spacefem.com html color quiz


    I have a geocities account? o_O

    I'm A 1970s Geek
    You've decided for the world that it's time for a change. JOIN THE GEEK REVOLUTION!
    find your geek decade at spacefem.com



    -: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 5:17 PM:-

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    -: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 7:05 AM:-

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