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Monday, March 29, 2004::


Through all these months I've had my blog and read other people's blogs I find it irritating and funny that people leave their name when they're giving a positive comment but don't tell you who they are when they're insulting you or giving you a negative comment. Oh, and that's suppose to make us feel better? ...or are they just to wimpy to stand up for what they believe?

I know sometimes people don't like to be thought of negativly. But I'll understand if someone has a problem with me and EXPLAINS why and in a non-threatening way so I can explain back to them what's really going on or fix it.

TIPS from blogs that I've seen (not nessisarily mine)

1. threats don't make people change
2. insults don't make people change even more
3. they just show how imature you are

in my mind, imature people don't deserve to breed. And I'm not saying people who have fun. Having fun and joking around isn't imature unless it's hurting someone.

things of imaturity

1. threatening to physically harm someone
2. needless insults to make someone feel bad about themselves and to make you feel tough
3. people who cut down, terrorize or otherwise argue stupidly against other people's spiritual beliefs.
4. all coinceded people who are stuck on theirselves.
5. people who are biased and prejudice against a specific group/people.
6. people who are sluts, whores, pimps or think that teenage pregnancy is a GOOD thing, or think that teenage pregnancy is a bad thing and ingage themselves in pre-marital sex, perverts (this includes people who look at pr0n and people who star in pr0n). I'd also personally like to include guys that stare at womens breasts lustfully or lust after women and refer to them as "babes" or "hot" or "chicks".
7. drug adicts who partake in selling, abusing drugs ESPECIALLY to minors who will most likely grow up to live in poverty with children who don't understand why and are angry and want THEIR drugs and THEIR sex and THEIR revenge on the world all in all creating a more dangerous place for YOUR kids and MY kids to grow up safe and secure and healthy!

I guess that clears out the pop culture in general. And 8/9ths of my bus.

Also it's different if it's a past issue and you've overcome it, but I don't think that's usually the case.

If you don't understand what I'm saying and agree you most likely fit under one of those catagories.

People are wussies.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 8:21 PM:-

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