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Sunday, August 03, 2003::

The reason it's taking me so long to blog is...that i REALLy don't want to get into all the detials about camp. In basic words . . .

Camp was truly amazing. (dispite the crappy food and the killer ants and the lack of shade) A whole week with God was something I needed.

Well . . . I think I can rant I suppose. School's starting up soon (UGH). And It doens't look like it's going to be pretty. For school clothes i got 2 pairs of jeans, 1 shirt, 1 other pair of kaki pants, and a backpack with wheels. I didn't even get shoes. cause the shoes i had to choose form are crap.

We have no money. This sucks. I mean really. There's practically no food in this house. We don't even have ramen noodles anymore. All we have is bread and cheese. When I got back form spending the night at D'Mari's house . . . i was gettign ready to go shcool clothes shopping and my dad told (yelled at) my mom that we couldn't buy anything because we don't have any money. Great. No clothes. I'll look like crap . . . but that's allright. Then he said my mom only gets $100 to spend on 2 weeks of groceries. $100 doesn't even buy 1 weeks worth of grocieries. THEN he goes "Oh...no, you don't HAVE $100 for grocieries because subtract $35 for Amy's yearbook, and about $8 for dr. peppers" and so basically we don't have any money for food. And what's worse my mom's been starving herself so we can have as much foodleft as possible. She hadn't eaten anything today except the one cookie Becca brought home and she had Dr. peppers. She threw it all up because she got sick from lack of food and she was shaking. THEN my dad said we could have $100 each for Dillards and $100 each for Sears. I've even been feeling the lack of food. I mean . . . usually when i say there's no food...i mean there's no food i can grab right then and eat. But we don't even have food you can cook. I'm not starving as much as the rest of my house though . . . sometimes i eat at Nathan's and that's one less mouth for my mom to feed and yet my mouth gets fed. heh.

It's pretty annoying when my dad says "no...you can't do anything, you can't spend any money" and then whenever he's hungry he wants food. ?????? GARH. I'm all for my mom getting a job. But I also think my dad could help out be using positive renforcement and trying to understand. But he doesn't. He just yells at her to get a job. She's depressed enough as is and his yelling kinda takes the energy out of getting a job. But he doens't know anything about the human mind.

On a possibly happier note . . . my sister Amanda, Mandy, Andi...whatever her name is now...is coming to stay with us next week. She's going to be 24 this November. I guess it's pretty exciting in a way because I havn't seen her in 6 years. But it's also going to be another mouth to feed and someone i have to share my bed with. It's almost like sharing a bed with a stranger ... only not. and I have no idea what she expects when she comes here and I have no idea what to expect from her. I hope she doesn't want my life story.

And happy Birthday to Lindsay and Glenn and all the peopel born August 2nd. Church in the morning. I should go now.

The NeverEnding End

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 1:57 AM:-

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