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Friday, January 02, 2004::

Same Old Me Again Today

Tired of me yet? I like to sit back and brood over how people change throughout their lives. Some change for good and some change for worse. I think I've done all 3 in my lifetime. That's right, three. And like twisted the twines of my mind to the point of cut off and back again. I like to sit back and remind myself we're all human.


Yes, I'm a true Insomniac. Insomnia not being that I don't sleep at all. Gah. Go get a dictionary.

I was up last night until about 4am talking to people. Finally I headed off to bed. Took me about probably 30 minutes to nod off. I had some dream, I think, I can't remember it.
And then I woke up at 7:30.

That's right. 3 hours of sleep. I woke up completely awake and I was like "Crap".

Something is Wrong Here, I Don't Belong Here

Everyone should check out the Insult Fatty Blog Where you can make Fatty feel abd about herself.

Fatty, get a job.

On a personal note about insults, I quite enjoy insulting myself. People think that I'm being really hard on myself but really I like my own insults. As long as it's not from anyone else, mind you. It makes me giggle when people make a big deal when I tell them I'm a loser.
One of these reasons for my odd train of thought could be because I have a HORRBILE time giving someone a compliment. So if I ever compliment you, be glad, because it probably took all of my guts to say even the simplest compiment. Not that I don't think nicely of people. I do. I just feel incredibly stupid saying it. and I'm afraid they'll be like "Freak". In which, I AM a freak... but only I am allowed to call me that. (With the exception of Annie and Jenny I suppose)
Another reason could be that if I get myself used to as many insults as possible, they won't be so surprising when people actually insult me! ...which does happen. Damn them. *writes them off on list of people to kill*

Strange Behavier

I may seem like a negative person, but I guess I don't mean to. Really I just like to cuddle and talk to people. ^-^

When we get my car painted I'm going to give it a name tag and name it. No, you cannot name my car. *bite* oops...sorry *lick*

I'm not really this mean in real life ^-^ I have to vent some agressive behavier! Infact, I'm usually incredibly shyly quiet around people I don't. And I probably won't act weird around you until I'm comfortable with you seeing how stupid I can be.

HA. And people in skloo fight over me to be my partner in IPC class. I laugh at them. LAUGH SO HARD. Because it's not that I'm smart... it's that the class is EASY! I'm at LEAST making the second highest grade in that class. Freaks! That class is bloody easy!

Now math is hard. *right brain dominant person* And apearently creative-algebra just isn't working. ^-^''''

Well, ok, I am pretty good in Web Mastering ^-^ *is a tech-y* Infact I'm practically the only person the T.A. will assosiate with because I'm one of the few that know what I'm doing. He sits there the whole time and laughs at people and is like "GOD THEY'RE SO FKING STUPID". ^-^''

Well, ok, no one wants to be my partner in History class. *grumblegrumble*, or English *grumblegrumble*

As for the other classes...ah..who cares.

I Just Want You to Know Who I Am

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 10:01 AM:-

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