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The random penguin will eat you all.

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Weblog Entries:

Monday, January 26, 2004::


-What time is it?: 5:04 p.m.
-What's the date?: January 26
-Full Name: Amy Kelley
-Age: 16
-Birthday: October 22, 1987
-Height: 5'0"
-Eye color: hazel
-Hair color: brown
-Where were you born?: Lake Jackson
-Where do you live now?: Lake Jackson
-Do you like it there?: Uhh...maybe.
-If your life were a movie, what would it be rated?: x____X Um.... PG-13? R? I don't know.
-Are your parents married/divorced/re-married?: married
-What is your email address?: TheRandomPenguin@hotmail.com
-Right or left handed?: right
-Shoe size: 5
-Find a book nearby and type a random sentence from it: "Bei einem wirte wundermild, Da war ich jungist zu Gaste." from Dream Interpretations by Sigmund Frued.
-Do you think it's okay to cuss?: Slip-ups happen.
-Who is your favorite teacher?: Ugh....some teachers are cool some are evil I don't recall having a favorite.
-What's your favorite candy?: Reeses?
-One person you have killed in your thoughts: That's classified.
-Do you have anything written on your hands right now? If so, what?: Not right now.
-Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Nadda.
-One thing you dislike a lot: I dislike lots of things.
-A song you'd like everyone to hear: "I'll Be" by Edwin McCain

-How many friends do you have?: A lot?
-Who's your best friend?: D'Mari/Nathan
-Who can make you smile no matter what mood you're in?: D'Mari?
-Which person do you pretend to be friends with but you secretly hate?: o__O I don't think I hate anyone.
-Do any of your friends just piss you off?: Sometimes, not usually.
-Do you get sick of your friends easily?: not really...
-If you had to be stuck with 5 friends for the rest of your life who would you pick?: I dunno
-Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you are comfortable enough with to talk about almost anything? If so, who?: Yeah, Nathan.
~Which one of your friends is the...~
-Craziest?: Mark...but the rest of them are pretty crazy too.
-Loudest?: Nathan/Mark/Ross
-Nicest?: Nathan/D'Mari/Michele/Rachel/Sarah
-Life of the party?: Mark probably
-Jock?: Kelsi/Mark/etc
-Most popular?: muhh...Kelsi, or maybe Ross too.
-Cutest?: o____o
-friend(s) of the same sex?: D'Mari/Kelsi/Sara/Michele/Rachel/Sarah/Jenny/Annie/etc
-friend(s) of the opposite sex?: Nathan/Mark/Tim/Sean/Ross/Aaron/Sam/etc
-Rudest?: eh...
-Most shy?: Tim/D'Mari/Michele/Rechel/Sarah
-Smartest?: Not quite sure...they're all pretty freakin smart.
-Weirdest?: They're all really REALLY weird.
-Has the best hair?: *thinks* umma...Kelsi or Annie ^-^
-Has the best laugh?: *thinks* uhh....I don't know...
-Person you've been friends with the longest?: I've known Kelsi the longest.
-How many people do you have on your buddy list?: 69 on my School Friend's list

-Hangouts: Nathan's house, my house, Mall, Shy Pond,
-Website: the Untitled Webcomic
-Movies: A Beautiful Mind, Lord of the Rings (all), X-Men(2), Aladin, Now and Then, Black Hawk Down,
-Bands: go look at my list no my bio *point*
-Color: Green
-Food: Ha,burger Helper (cheese burger)
-(Current) Song: #11 on the "Matatee" CD
-TV show: Godlen Girls, anything on the Discovery Channel
-School subject: Psychology, or it WILL be.
-Band/singer: Philmore, Manatee, etc etc
-Radio station: Mix 96.5
-Pair of shoes: my pair i wear everyday
-Cartoon: Fairly Odd Parents
-Actor: i don't care.
-Drink: cream soda. x__X
-Holiday: Christmas, or Summer Vacation.
-Video game: uh... Driver(PS1) or DDR
-Book: The Bible, Belgariad series, Redwall Series, The Cathedral, Harry Potter series, Castaways of the Flying Dutchman, the Dream Encyclopedia, Dream Interpretations,
-Number: 22
-Clothing store: i dunno.
-Past time: hanging out with firneds, having deep discussions online, blogging, music
-Thing to do on the weekend: do something crazy
-Season: Fall/Autumn
-Person to talk to: lots of people
-Person to talk to online: Rob

~Right Now~
-Listening to: Mortal combat music.-HAHA
-Watching: nada
-Wearing: jeans, green shirt, fun socks
-Eating: Chcolate Chip cookies
-Thinking: "er-err-er-ererr-eerr-errr-eerrr"
-Talking to: no one
-Feeling: bored

~Have you ever~
-Drank?: a little
-Smoked?: not really
-Done drugs?: ummah... *glare*
-Had sex?: *glare* I hate you.
-Cut class?: yup ^-^ well, we were suppose to be goign to the "library"...having 3 lunches is fun ^-^' silly Dance class.
-Got in a fight?: Not a serious fight. I've slapped my fair share of people and I've beaten up my brother/cousins/old neighborhood friends a lot. Well...usually they won. Except my brother.
-Mooned anyone?: nope.
-Been on a diet?: nope
-Been to a foreign country?: Nope
-Broken a bone?: Nope.
-Swallowed a tooth/cap/filling?: nope
-Gone skinny dipping?: Nope.
-Stolen anything?: Well, actually that was an accident. I didn't realize it was in my hand until I was alreayd outside the store and i freaked out and sat it down and walked away. lol.
-Been on TV?: Nope"
-Been on the radio?: nope
-Been in a mosh pit?: nope, i'm too small, i'd die
-Been to a concert?: kinda, yeah
-Dated one of your best friends?: yeah
-Broken the law?: yeah
-Been frisked?: yep, every school day for a month, HA.
-Been to a rodeo?: nope
-Been on an airplane?: Nope
-Got to ride on a firetruck?: no
-Came close to dying?: yup
-Cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend?: Nope.
-Snuck out of the house at night?: nope. I'd DIE. Well...unless you count sneaking out fo my friends house..
-Been arrested?: nah
-Gone to camp?: yupness
-Slow danced with someone you love?: yupness
-Kissed in the rain?: nope
-Thrown up in public?: nope
-Taken ballet lessons?: nope, restricted childhood, i didn't do any extra carricular acitvities. lol

-What time is it?: 5:49 p.m.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 5:46 PM:-

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