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Thursday, November 27, 2003::

Night-time, Dreams; Mankind and Insanity

Last night was almost unexplainable. It was like when I finally went to bed, everything was warped, like how everything goes distorted and you feel things crawling on you, and things standing behind you. There was a loud humming/buzzing-like sound that I think came from the AC, and my brother was in his room coughing like he was dying.

I was disoriented and scared but too paralized to panic. I told God to make it stop. And it did, instantly my brother stopped coughing and the AC noise went off all at once. I told God to protect everyone in this house, to help us, to protect this house and to make every evil thing in it leave. Then the world went blank . . . and I started dreaming . . .

Dream Number One: The End of Mankind

Maybe this one was brought on by Terminator 3, but none the less, it had signifigant differences I think that is what made the concept of my dream and the movie completely different.

The world was going to end, we were going to die. Everyone knew it. Nuclear was was breathetakingly close. I remember outside of my dream, where I lay in the bathtub running over my dreams from last night, I remembered (for real) my dad saying how in the bible, very most likely from Revalations, says that fire will fall from the sky and the land will be a sea of blood and bones. And how my dad says . . . he thinks that is going to be nuclear war, because it's the only thing that can cause such destruction. And I know my dad has said things that were not true before, but I really believe this to be true. I believe God knows that mankind will destroy itself. [back to dream] And so did we. Everyone was preparing to die. Praying, trying to live a last-moment Godly life. It's amazing what men will do for God when they know they're so close to meeting him. Even I was terrified of the pain and the death and the afterlife. Even I tried to rapidly live a worthy life in this time. But God spoke to me, he told me that I shall live. And so thus I started preparing to live. But the mind comes back to trick you and says "maybe you didn't hear God, what if you are to die?", So I also, while preparing to live, prepared to die. I think most all and every persons were still preparing to die.

It hit.

So suddenly. I only remember, before it skipped though after the attack, that I did not find my preparation to be good enough (supplies and such). I remember coming out, but I do not remember seeing any casualties, but there were signifigantly less people. I remember people wandering about through the smoke filled sky. This dark greyness. Now our town wasn't like all these houses so spread out. Our houses were almost like little 1-2 room boxes. Only it was made of house material and looked for the most part, like a house. I remember Ross being in my dream. His dad had secured the house for such attacks and it stood almost perfectly ok, though covered in rubble. Apearently his house staying still while his neighbors houses weren't causes more destruction to his neighbors houses. Ross's house was a better shelter than my house, though his was crouded and empty, and mine was larger and held the supplies, it still had concrete and dust all over the place inside. There were scarsely any plants, it was like a desert of rubble and metal and plants (like chemical plants, or what was left of them), there was an oil and chemical leak and all of it drained into the water. I remember the water being unsafe to drink. I remember tryingnto find a place to sleep, the kind of blind chaos. Everything was so vivid and detailed and I know a lot of other things happened but I can't remember. I eblieve the last thing I remember was everyone moving on, like a migration, trying to find a place with better water and food. A place we could rebuild civilization, to sort of, restart man-kind.

The end.

After Thoughts

And you know . . . it's funny how we walk around this planet so tied to our emotions, our prejudicim, how we think everything's about us and how we want to live life it to it's funnest. But nothing matters. We're all bones and blood in a flesh-sack walking around aimlessly without God. And I don't know if I will live to see the end of the world. I don't know if it's in 2 years or 100 years or 500 years from now. But it will be nuclear war. I remember when I was little I prayed to God to let me live to see the end of the world so I could be taken up to Heaven. But as I got older I Prayed to God that I did not want to be around when the end of the world comes. It's funny, I know this war with the middle east has such signifigant importance of the end of the world. But doens't any war? any political decision? When we elect a president we elect one more person to move us towards destruction, and judgement. It's frightening, but we can't stop it. You can protest against the building of weapons of mass destruction, but countries will still build them, and everything is already in set for the future. You're already marked. Everything that will happened, will happen. And you're already dead.

Dream 2: Insanity

This one is a lot more complicated because It skips around, and I didn't know everything until later in my dream. And there's more to my dream than I remember.

The first thing i remember is... that I was suppose to be at school, I was absent for half a day or something. And I came to school, but the school looked more like a boarding school. Like everyone was in uniform. I remember walking though the halls to get an admit or something. And another girl was with me, and we stole the grade book because she wanted to know what her math grade was. and prinicpals would walk by us and we'd hide ourselves or hide the book and they were looking for it. I remember being in class and the teacher gave all of us a pill and everyone took it. I remember school had apearently ended and I was suppose to board the bus and I believe I did, i was ina ditch talking with people and then i realized i ahd to ride the school bus so i ran to catch it, And I looked around at all the people, thinking about these people. And it drove off. Then things are fuzzy up until the point where I'm in this place, it's like a school an an insane assylum there. The person told me that I was crazy, but I didn't believe her. I was in a room with, normal people, mostly. Many children, some teenagers,maybe some adults too. I was standing by the wall and Courtney was there and she told me that she didn't like me. And I thought about this because I didn't know why she didn't like me. And I told her "you know, you and I are not very different" And I told her something we had in common, and she thought about it while I walked away. And I remember, then giving me the blue pill again. And I took it. Then I had the urge to get out, to escape. To run. Somehow I got out... it was a big yard like lots of fences, just normals fenses some, some were really tall. This one woman was after me. It was night and the clothes I had on were white. I knew that you can see white clothing very well at night in the streetlight like lights more than skin which, though I am white, would be a lot less reflective. So I comtemplated taking off my shirt, though wether I did or not, is beyond me. And the woman ran right by me, and she kept looking back to see if i was there but i was lying in the grass. Finally when she'd almost made full circle I started scaling the fence, and so did she.
This was weird, however, because this part was more unrealistic. I'd pull back on the fance practically to the ground and then it'd fling me over to the other side when it came up. I scaled like 3 or 4 of these fances in a row before i was fnially "free", and i looked to the side and then it flashes back why they thought i was insane, because i was. one of my friends in my dream had died apearently. and I saw myself in a flashback, i was in a small cramped dressing room. and she was dead on the floor, I had killed her. (she was like 8 yrs old or something), but I had no emotion. I just walked out. And then I saw another flash back, I was running away fromt he building I hads just escaped and there was a girl there, i knew her, maybe we were friends, and there were three objects on the ground, possible sticks. One was sharp. One was dull and long and one was dull and short. She knew something was wrong with me when I picked up the sharp one . . . but I handed it to her and she smiles. And then i picked up the long dull one and drove it through her and killed her. Then I began running to the fences. Then it gets fuzzy.

Those were my dreams.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 12:17 PM:-

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