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Wednesday, December 10, 2003::

The Contest Day

Ok, basically the contest day was interesting. I woke up at 4:30 on a Saturday to take a bath and to get dressed in a dress/evil shoes/etc, grabs my duet, blanket and make up bag and run out the door to be at the school at 6am. Got out into the freezing, icy morning cold and loaded a school bus which lacks heating (thus the blanket). Me and Ross sat together. There were lots of Speech and Debate people on the bus too. And they hate theatre students because we're "weird".Anyway. And so the hour ride up to Bay City to go to the High School for competition. It was freaking cold.

We got there at 7am and got out into the cold again and went into the building and looked on the wall for our names and the rooms/times we'd be proforming in. Me and Ross were to proform at 11am in room 160A. I dredded the whole thing because I REALLY dislike the ending. Dispite that Ross and Nathan think it's the perfect random ending. Here's news for you...it's not suppose to be random!! -_-''''

Well there was lots of fun with hanging out and joking around with Drama people. Aaron didn't show up. Everyone was pissed off about it, especially Sam. We called my house from Dylan's cellphone and got his phone number from my brother, because Dylan was going to call his house and pretend to be Mr. White. It was a wonderfully hilarious idea. Except only his answering machine answered. So Dylan left a message. In the end he goes "When you get this call, please cell me at this number, bye" and he was like "...did i just say please call me at this number? haha...i don't even know what this number is. I will just assume that he SHOULD have caller ID."

I talked a lot to Dylan and Ben and Sam and Jenny and Callen. And Phillip helped us with the actions of the ending of our Duet.

So we went off to our room. Dylan came to watch us. We watched the people in our room first. Some of them were pretty boring and bad, a couple were pretty spiffy. So me and Ross went up and did our piece with a LOt of improvization and some messups (like turning our back to the judge and Ross not tucking in his shirt and wearing tennis shoes)
It was over, we thanked the judge and we all hung out until we got results...

We got 3rd place in our room! We broke! (meaning we passed Prelimary and were moving on to the Simi-Finals).

That made me so sad and happy at the same time.
This was a duet we had tried to memorize and cut and work out in 2 days! I think we deserve an award.

The next round wasn't until 4pm so we had lots of time to play around. Most of it was spent talking to Ben and Dylan and Sam, I think.

I gave Sam a dollar and we went to get sodas. Unlike our evil schools, Bay City High actually didn't buy into Pepsi, they had actual COKE machines. We looked down the list and Sam saw this chocolate drink and was like

Sam:"Ooo, I'm going to get that."
Me: "Ok, tell me if it's good and if it is I'll get it"

Sam gets it and tastes it.

...Sam almost vomits....

Sam: "That's the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted!"
Me: "er..." *gets Vanilla Coke*

We walked back to the tables and Sam had everyone taste it. And just like one after the other, each of them almost vomitted. Even Dylan. Finally they had Dylan taste it and he tasted it...paused... twitches and looked nausiated and confused. It was a priceless expression.

And to quote Dylan... "It tastes like AIDS" ^_^'''''''''

Well, me and Ross changed our script a bit and soon enough, it was time to go to our room. Which was like 136A. We were in the room with some of the BEST duet actors and it was amazing. I lived "The History of America Abridged." It was hilarious, and they were perfect and they have good pantmime too. And we proformed. We ended up messing up really bad. We skipped like 1:50 minutes of important middle stuff. So it made no sense. I wanted to vommit. So we left and of course when we got the results...we got last place. hahaha. Oh well. I'd never have to proform THAT again. (much sarcasim here).

So the rest of the day went on. Mos tof the hours were spent with me talking to Lisa. It was spiffy. Anyways, then we went to the award ceremony around 10pm and we got some trophys. The Speech Debate got a lot. And Kat got a 3rd place trophy for her Novice Poetry. And Kat and Bellemi got a 2nd or 3rd palce trophy for their Duet and Zach got a trophy for something or other. lol.

So we left and it was cold..I sat with Lisa and we talked. Then we got home and I got home around like 12am or something. I went to bed really late. I slept 13 hours. I was exhausted.


Also to now note about the sarcasim of never having to proform it again. Apearently we have to proform our Duet for our EXAM in Theatre in front of the class. That makes me cry. Real, Real bad.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 6:20 PM:-

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