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Friday, August 27, 2004::

Of Critics and Men

Is it just me or do you find it REALLY annoying when people are being really critical over stupid stuff all the time? Like my dad, everytime they play a commercial he's always like "what idiots" or "stupid-they should have done [insert something here]" or "what was the poiunt of even doing that then?"
and I'm thinking "Holy Freaking crap, it's just a commercial! They're being stupid becuase it's FUNNY, your not suppose to take it SERIOSLY"

Guh. like you know the commercial where the guy is at this one place drinking a brownie shake thing and he's talking funny and then it has a flash back to where he was licking the electronic mixer out of the brownie batter and he accidenally hits the power button and he's screaming 'cause his tounge is stuck in it? and then it goes back and he says that this is a much safer way to eat brownies?

I know it sounds really stupid in typed form. but it's just something kinda funny to advertise their products, your not suppose to be logical about it. Too much logic is stupid.

So my dad was all like, "He's just going to stop eating brownies just because he got his tounge stuck in the blender??"

And soemtimes I just have enough of it and i say suttle things like "it's just a commercial", "it's suppose to be funny", and things like that.

So today he basically did the same thing except to another commercial and i was like "It's just a commercial!"

dad: "I know!"
me: "Stop being so critical!"

then he told em that I was critical,
and i asking him "of what?"
and he told me of everything that he says about commericals, and I was like "I'm nto being critical, it's just you saying thigns liek that kinda takes the fun out of it"
then he was like "But they're just so stupid!"
me: "And stupid is soemtimes funny!"

Guhgh! Parents!

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 6:13 PM:-

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