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Thursday, February 17, 2005::

Fun Dip

The title of this post is fun dip...because I ate fun dip today. o.O

ANYHOW, I han't made a post in a while, you know why? Because my internet is dead. Thats right, dead. But not all the way, you see . . . I can download music and listen to music and talk on messenger, however I can not do anything involving internet explorer. Darn you, anti-spyware software! Spiiite!

So yes, I am handicaped, but don't you laugh at me, because soon I will be [system] restored and will be a new creature! ahahaahahaAHAHAHA-ok, that's enough.

But yeah, I have to reset my entire computer for like the 1000000000th time. I'm tired of giving it names, infact, I've stopped giving it names...Lets see...I've had; COM, an unnamed one, Anastatius, Anastatius II, Skinny Black Man, and then two more unnamed ones. I should probably name it this time.

Wow, I just deleted my post, but because I didn't do anything else I just hit 'undo' and everything came back to normal. *wipes brow*


So, I had pneumonia for like a week, a mild case, mind you, but pneumonia none the less. My dad took the pleasure of telling me, "Yeah, you'll probably be dead by this weekend depending on what stage you're in." (in a non-joking tone of voice) o.o thanks dad... And my mom's just like, "Shut up Amy, you just have a cold" Right...a cold...in my lungs.

Anyways, I finally did something I've never done before . . . I went up to the front durring church and got prayed for. :) I've never done it before because I never want to bother them with my problems, and I always just feel like I don't really even matter >.> But I went up there, and got prayed for my sicknessnessness . . . and went away feeling not much better at all.
So last night, I had a dream, mixed in with several other dreams a random voice said to me "Your virus is gone" (heehee, by the way, it was viral pneumonia, you're all infected, yey!) and I woke up . . . and though I still have a cough . . . my lungs are PERFECTLY FINE. YEY! So, yeah, I can run around and jump and not feel like my body is going to explode. ^_^

Tomorrow is an "A" day, I love "A" days, except for Anatomy, but BESIDES that . . . "A" days are just great. Oh, and lunch sucks too but I've stopped eating anyway.. >.> Uh, and Math sucks too, but I have that everyday. :-s Hmm...but I like English and History. pfft :p

heh heh

On an English assignment where you had to answer "yes or no" my little sister wrote down "pfffft no!" in one of the blanks. Greatness.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 4:50 PM:-

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