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Saturday, May 14, 2005::


This post is about my writing style, frame of mind, and other thoughts toowards my writing and writing in general:

So, I just finnished another piece this morning titled Underworld II: Dreams of Hades.

I tend to have large gaps between the pieces I write. usually at LEAST a month apart. In this case, I hadn't posted a poem/lyrical in about two months. I usually start a piece and then lose it or scrap it. But when I get one going it is usually completed pretty quickly. This one wasn't completed so quickly, but none-the-less it was completed within a few days time, and I wasn't working on it most of the time. I also tend to write pieces and save it until I feel like posting it. I like for each piece to have it's time under the "Newest piece" so I can possibly get more comments and reviews over it. I enjoy what little I get.

I called Nathan this morning and told him to get online so he can review my piece. He said that he liked my piece, but it lacked in the 'cool' imagry which the first Underworld offered.

Underworld and Underworld II: Dreams of Hades are pretty much entirely different pieces, with the exception that they cover the same subject.

Underworld is a sharp free-stylistic sort of poem, where as Underworld II: Dreams of Hades is a lyrical. Underworld is told form the like-minds of all the mass of people in Hell, and Underworld II: Dreams of Hades is told from the prospective of a singl peerson. Expect a Underworld III sometime sin the future. Most likely it'll also be lyrical, but possibly not.

I realized that my writings pretty much consist of raw-emotion, rather than relying on spcific imagry. I tend to be more vauge than other writers, especially modern writers in genral.

Imagry that is often found in my pieces usually consist of light/dark imagry, using colors and shades and shadows to reflect emotions, time and sometimes a point. Such as found in: For Today, Gentiles, Lost for Words, Midnight In The Graveyard, Morbid Thoughts, Opposite of Death is, Shadows of the Lost Souls, Shady Dreams, Sounds in the Night, Still the Same, The Red Paint, Time Capsules, You've Come at Last and Your Statue.
I think perhaps becuase I find vision to be the most powerful of senses besides emotion and spiritual pullings themselves. I find action to the the most direct, and less though-provoking, therefore not as powerful for my writing. Powerful for moving forward in life, but because it's less thought-provoking it's too . . . easy to use, and not as artistic. Therefore, generally my movements tend to be vague or symbolic.
Also before movements I prefer to use sense of hearing and smell, because both are senses that leave a lasting emotion in our minds and hearts. The traumatic sounds of helpless screaming would send shivers up anyone spine. Ad smell reflects memory the easiest.

By the way, those of you who don't care or don't understand, this post is mostly for myself. But you can have fun reading my newest piece and review it please. I'll probably post this on my Myspace too..

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 2:12 PM:-

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