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Tuesday, June 14, 2005::

Dear Blog,

What is wrong with this world? What creates people to just not talk to eachother? To never communicate with the people who probably mean the most to them in the world? What drives selfishness, and anger? What allows no forgiveness and hurt feelings? See, Blog, I have these friends, I met them back when I was in 9th grade. When I met them, though I wasn't really like them, but I felt like I wanted to be like them so much. They were fun, and funny, and close. To me they were like the most amazing people I could ever meet. Sara was the leader; though she didn't want to be, she knew everyone and pulled everyone close together as a group. Like a family. There was Dylan who brought on crazy ideas and sometimes almost got us into trouble.(though he's gone now) And there was Nathan, a patron to nerdism and his love for mathematics; not to mention being my closest friend. And there was Mark, he was crazy, and weird, but he had a big heart and he loved God and to writing things. (he also loved mathematics) More people joined in (and many many left), Ross who could never stop laughing even when his car was in a ditch; Sean who's love for God went wide and his jokes were endless (really); Tim who's TIMidness in most situations makes him who he is; and Brice whose antics almost never fail to amuse us. Many difficult times were had, with Russel, the car wrecks, the divorce; hugs were shared, tears, laughter, and insanity. But now I'm not so sure. You see because somehow the devil got worked up in the sceme, and somehow . . . he tore us apart. He tore us from our roots, he tore us up and out and he's leaving us to starve.
Talking behind eachothers backs...
Bad additudes...
Lack of understanding...

You see, Blog, we are all very different people, but we shared under the common ground that we just loved to be a group and have fun. The problem is that we never took the time to know one another, not really. We were a group, yes. And we called eachtoher friends, but we couldn't understand that each of us has our own problems an issues with life. I'm not very outgoing, and Tim is very shy. Nathan says things he shouldn't. We all have our one thing, but SO WHAT? Are we not good enough to get past all of that? Why can't we do things without getting offended, or hurt? Why do we have to hold grudges, and why do we have to point the finger? Why do we have to call eachother stupid, and lame, and why . . . why can't we communicate?

Blog, I just want my friends back. But I don't want to walk on eggshells around them, and I don't want to feel like a third wheel, and I don't want to feel unimportant, and I certainly don't want to take "sides" or agree that someone is stupid. I just want my friends back.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 5:17 PM:-

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