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Saturday, August 06, 2005::

Alas, Yar

Alas, I return with four new shirts, a new pair of shoes aaand...some other stuff.

However, I would like to inform this post that I had a TERRIBLE time shopping, but that I was doing pretty good at not becoming overly frustrated by the act of finding clothes. However, shopping with parents is a pain in the arse.

1. Male parent (the father) first of all does not make me comfortable when I'm shopping anyway, especially when I'm shopping for a bra and he's in the isle with me. @_@
2. Female parent (the mom) get frustrated when we have to wait for anything.
3. Both parents constantly have a high tention and are ready to explode at eachother at any time. and they did.
4. Neither parent understands anything about the difference ebtween what I like adn what THEY like.
5. Male parent gets pissed off when I said I didn't really like anything at Academy and screams, "THERE ARE PLENTY OF GOOD COTHES HERE! LOOK AT THAT YELLOW SHIRT OVER THERE!" [insert nasty, big, white-and-yellow striped shirt] Amy: *winces* and then he flips out and says that i'm not even trying and then explodes on my mom in the car, and demands to be taken home.

You may be wondering why my dad was even shopping with us in the first place. Well the thing is . . . my dad got a loan isntead of usinng a credit card, and all the money was in an account that only he can touch (not even my mom).

So much for equality. He treats my mom like garbage. Today I wished that she would leave him. They're nto actually married. When someone treats you like that--you are NOT married, my friend. Although her lack of money restrains her. CRAP.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 3:47 PM:-

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