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Monday, August 01, 2005::

A Check Up

Thigns with my family has quieted down . . . for now. My dad hasn't talked to me about colleges since, and my mom support me in my decision in my career choice EVEN if it doens't make over $100,0000. My uncle came over form Lousiana the other day and stayed with us. He recently found out that he has colon cancer and will be having surgury in about a week. While my uncle was here he basically put my dad to work, they fixed everything in the house that they possibly had time to fix. O_O (My uncle is a carpender you see, and my dad is just lazy) My dad didn't WANT to do any of the work, but out of guilt he did anyway. We also ate good while he was here. My uncle should stay more often. Which appearently might happen. My uncle has 3 months off of work because he's having surgury soon, and my dad mentioned something about my uncle staying with us for a month while he recovers from his surgury. Although my uncle is a very nice guy and pretty funny, I am a bit worried about where we're going to put him. I have to acknowledge that my brother will not be happy sleeping on the couch for a month. And even if my uncle fixes everything in our house, eventually my dad would crack and get upset at having to do labor. And I certainly don't want my uncle feeling bad about it. My dad likes a lot of "alone time" *twitch* so having my uncle constantly ehre would probably cause a lot of tension. As for the rest of them . . . Becca plays outside all day and my brother . . . doesn't. Also my brother was sick this past weekend. Alas, that sums up my family.

Eh. I've talked enough about this. Nathan and I are still doing great. I <3 Nathan :)

I took a test today over poety. I didn't do that great, but I passed. I did better than I thought I would. I'm scared of next semester. The play at the college is well . . . I havn't watched much of it, normally i just stand backstage and talk to people. Wee.

So I've been craving a lot of things this past few weeks. Food has been a big thing for me. I have had a lot of excellent toast lately. I have also had a lot of mexican food. I <3 Mexican food. I also love seafood but i've yet to get that . . . >.> I have been craving chicken fried steak for a while. And one day I wanted sausage, though God knows why! I generally can't eat sausage! I tend to crave meat--I'm not really a sweettooth type of person. I'm a carny-vore! <,< *hmm*
I have a couple fo jolly-ranchers if anyone wants them . . . they hurt my teeth . . . they're also both grape. And I don't like grape . . .
I'm going to go . . . eat toast. Maan.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 1:00 PM:-

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