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Friday, August 05, 2005::

Another head hangs lowly,
A child is slowly taken.
And the violence caused such silence.
Who are we mistaken?

But you see, it's not me,
It's not my family.
In your head, in your head,
They are fighting,
With their tanks and their bombs
and their bombs and their guns,
In your head, in your head
They are crying.

In your head, in your head
Zombie Zombie Zombie
What's in your head, in your head
Zombie Zombie Zombie?

-part of "Zombie" by The Cranberries

Yes, that's my title. o_O. do do do. So everything's been all KABAM! lately, like in my brain...because I have sooo much to do.

For instance, getting the comic up and running is eating my brain. And a comic means I need to draw probably at least 4 or 5 comics within the next few weeks. Sounds easy right? Makes me wonder why I am not doing a comedy... I mean I know the basic story of my comic, I know where most of my characters are going to be in the end . . . it's that creamy middle filling that makes people fat though. I honeslty wish my art was better suited. But ti's not really the drawing of the comics themselves that are eating me . . . it's the actual keenspace/comicgenesis thing. And the fact thatn it takes an entire day for anything to update. When I edit things i like them to BAM! be there and changed . . . but on this i have to wait a day to see if I got it right. o.O *eats her arm off*

Another instance, Rahcel's party is today, so I have some major sucking up to do before I ask my parents. Why am I online then? Blah. Who knows. la la la.

I also have a research paper to write this weekend. BLAH, the most dredded paper of all. However my last day of summer session II ends on Wednesday. W00t! Everybody par-tay! Amy will Graduate August 18th! And unlike all those other NORMAL graduates, I won't get much money or presents >.> That's if I get /anything/. Well, I'll get a $2000 sholarship . . . for more school. Woo. @_@

Also this weekend is TAX FREE WEEKEND. And we know that that means...Amy gets clothes! Well, shirts. And probably only a small amount of them. >.> ugh. I want to go through my clothes and bag up what I don't want anymore.I want to see how much clothes I actually HAVE and wear...maybe i'll do that today. That'll help clean my room . . . Last year I only got 1 shirt for back-to-school, because "Everything still fit me". Ugh. I hated it (not the shirt...the just...lack of new shirts, and i didn't complain because my parents are so uptight about money.) I honestly hate looking so childish all the time. That's not to say that I want to wear whore's clothes or anything. I'm just sick of only being able to buy T-shirts because everything else is low-cut (i have no boobs) or just generally doens't fit. Nathans knows about my shopping hedaches. I got shopping . . . Glare at everything, get angry and upset and give up like 1,000.99 times.

Zombie Zombie Zombie

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 12:46 PM:-

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