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Friday, September 09, 2005::

More Deep But Still Too Shallow. Maybe One Day I Can Learn to Drown.

OK, so I figure I mine as well give you some more useful updates. Its one of those days where I'm going to post more than one blog today because I have no life >.> With reason of course, but being a no life gets you things like more than one blog post. Way too much time to think, and possibly non-sensical rants that I may change my mind about the next day. Alas.

My arm is practically normal again. Infact, I feel ready for crutches, but wether they'll give some to me or not is up to them. I was letting my foot air out of the boot, cause I can do that now and it's good for my skin, and the fan wasn't on, so there was no breeze and no air was actually HITTING my foot/leg. And so I went to fan it but instead of using my GOOD wrist I used my stiff left wrist and when i went to wave my wrist goes CRACK and i was like "Oh God...Oh God...I can move my wrist again! O_O" but yeah.
My ankle has been feeling kinda crummy lately. I have to keep putting my foot up cause my foot is still too swollen for me to really practice moving it up and down. The bruising on my ankle has gone down. And I think I'm actually moving it in ways I SHOULDN'T be yet >.>
Also, a couple days ago was my first REAL shower since August 10th. O_O It was....hard. Very hard. Trying to get in an out of a slippery shower with one foot is very difficult. And the water hurt my incisions. I had to watch the soap and make sure i didn't get soap on there. I washed my own hair. Afterwards I did feel clean but my ankle was sore. I don't know if I really look forward to the next shower. :-s "Spit-bathing"/"sponge-bathing" is just easier. x.x As weird as that sounds.
School's been ok. I kinda volenteer myself to do a big project... After I said I'd do it my mind was kinda "CRAP" but yeah... I'm probably one of the more qualified peoples to do it since I know how to work a computer and I'm utterly useless all day anyway. Its better than making some of those poor people who go to work and school all day have extra work. I mean what do I REALLY do all day? Wake up...sit in my wheelchair. Wait to get hungry. Eat. Play KoL. Watch TV. A LOT of TV. Possibly listen to some music. Eat. TV. Eat. TV. Eat. Talk to Nathan online until 2am...go to the couch and pass out. w00.
OH...and speaking of eating...I'm getting FAT. OH God I wish I hd a scale. It's hard for me to estimate how much i've gained because actually the muscle in my left leg are all astrophed. But oppositely my right leg has gotten a lot bulier, as well as my right arm. My left arm's slowly getting up to par as well. But I think the biggest evidence is when I put my pants on and I have to SQUEEZE very very difficultly into them x.0 And when I have certain shirts on I have a stomach. I'm all FAT. UGH. And i can't control my eating anymore. I've lost a lot of my ability to become full. I can eat and eat and eat until I'm physically SICK...then I'll stop just long enough for that to subside then i'll eat some more. I usually get full for maybe 20 minutes and then i'm hungry again. I SHOULDN'T be eating this much. I have no real way to work it off. And I'm just getting FAT. >.> I estimate that I've gained AT LEAST (due to some muscle astrophe) that i've gained about 5 lbs. 5-10lbs. So that would make me like...what? 92-97 lbs? That doesn't sound like a lot to you, but my bones are like twice as small as other peoples. ITS NOT RIGHT. I think I'd be highly amused if I hit 100 lbs.

-: Amy Kelley blogged it up at 12:40 PM:-

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